Robots can develop prejudices just like humans: Do robots sound like humans?

New technologies like an industrial robot, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are fast-moving forward, but little attention is paid to their impact on employment and public policy. 
Nowadays, there is a new challenge for artificial intelligence - and how to be alerted to those people who probably do not know they are talking to the robot. 
Google showed a computer assistant who makes a truly human-sound phone call. But in those calls, the real people did not know that they were talking to a machine.

Do robots sound like humans
Do robots sound like humans?

Do robots sound like humans?

Robots can develop prejudices just like humans

New technologies like an industrial robot, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are fast-moving forward, but little attention is paid to their impact on employment and public policy.

Nowadays, there is a new challenge for artificial intelligence - and how to be alerted to those people who probably do not know they are talking to the robot. Google showed a computer assistant who makes a truly human-sound phone call. But in those calls, the real people did not know that they were talking to a machine. It can present barbed issues for future use.

Among them - what happens when spammers and scammers catch them, while Google's performance highlights the benign uses of the conversation robot? And, is it appropriate or legal to cheat people into talking to AI systems, which effectively records all its conversations?

On Tuesday, Google CEO Sunder Pichai encouraged Cheers because they displayed a new technique called Duplex, during the company's annual conference for software developers. "It is very effective, but it can obviously cause more scary uses of this type of technique, he said".

Matthew Fenech, who researches AI's policy implications for the London-based futuristic advocacy said that "the ability to take nuances, the use of additional short phrases, such signs are very human, and obviously the other people. The end was not known. "
 And Mr. Fenech expressed his opinion "It is not difficult to visualize the abusive uses of chatbots as being similar to spamming businesses like cheating bots, cheating senior citizens or making malicious calls using the words of political or personal enemies, You can get very unstable conditions from where people are told to say something that they Nne never said. "

Google engineers Yossi Matias and Yaniv Leviathan, who helped design new technology, wrote in Tuesday blog post. "We want to be clear about the intention of the call so that business can understand the context. In the coming months, we will experiment with the right approach."

Mr. Pichai and other Google officials tried to emphasize that the technology is still experimental, and will be taken out carefully.

It is important for us that users and businesses have a good experience with this service, and transparency is an important part. So far, it is not clear how the company will navigate the existing telecommunications laws, which can vary in a state or country.

A co-owner of a San Francisco Bay Area protected some Google employees, slightly crawled with privacy implications.

Katherine Esperanza, co-owner of the Slick and Dagger Barbershop in Oakland, said that "It seems that it would be useful for our customers, however, it was surprising to think that the store would be able to block the call, And said "whether the conversation has been entered or not, and the recipient of this automated call should know that they are being recorded."

There are many laws about anti-wiretapping in California and many other states have made illegal and offensive recordings of someone's phone call without the consent of the caller and the person being called.

Such calls are usually predecessor monologues, but more businesses and organizations are using machine-learning techniques to answer a person's questions with natural-sound conversations, hoping that they will be less likely to hang.

There are many robots on social networks and websites, they are working as a hacker and are making problems with the operating system, so we have to be careful about using the internet system.

If home automation goes mainstream, then a dedicated robot will not be required, because when we wander through the front door, our phones will do better signaling. When you go home, your message is the idea of reading you throwing the machines to answer, which are now obsolete, that we can check our messages from anywhere.
Actually, though a social robot is created, it will not be a fundamental issue for human socialism: the ability to inspire shame and guilt by comparing our behavior into a high standard.

The Scientific World

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