SAM- A Self-learning assistance system for efficient processes

 SAM is the self-learning assistance system and looks like a revolution in the world. We are on the edge of automation. Artificial intelligence is the key player. If things go well, automated learning will help companies develop their capabilities. Companies develop ideas immediately.
Self-learning assistance
Self-learning assistance system

SAM- A Self-learning Assistance System for Efficient Processes


One of the most important methods of learning that enables the use of learning skills effectively is a self-learning system.  
Self-learning contributes to the development of human behavioral, cognitive and emotional, and provides an important tool that can absorb the data of the next era, a pattern of learning in which the student learns what he himself wants to learn.
The possession and mastery of self-learning skills enable the individual to learn at all times and throughout life outside and inside the school, which is known as self-learning.
It is the learner's educational activity driven by his / her own desire to develop his / her readiness, capabilities and abilities in response to his / her own interests in order to achieve his / her personality development and integration, and successful interaction with his / her community through self-reliance and confidence in their learning process.

The importance of self-learning:

1. Self-learning has been and continues to receive great attention from the psychologists and educators, as a method of learning better, because it provides each learner education commensurate with his ability and speed of self-learning and depends on the motivation to learn.

2. The learner takes a positive and active role in learning.

3. Learned self-learning can master the basic skills necessary to pursue self-education and continue with it for life.

4. Preparing the children for the future and accustom them to take responsibility for their own learning.

5. Training students to solve problems, and create a fertile environment for creativity.

6. The world is witnessing an explosion of knowledge constantly evolving does not assimilate learning systems and methods, which necessitates a strategy that enables the learner to master the skills of self-learning to continue education with him out of school and even for life.

Self-learning objectives:

Acquiring the skills and habits of continuous learning to continue his own education.
The individual is responsible for teaching himself.
Contribute to the process of self-renewal of society.
Building a permanent learning community.
Achieving lifelong learning.

Self-learning skills:

The learner must be provided with the necessary skills for self-learning, ie, how to learn. These include:
  • Participation skills.
  • Self-assessment skill.
  • Appreciation for cooperation.
  • Take advantage of the facilities available in the local environment.
  • Prepare for learning.

And the teacher to pay attention to the education of his students to self-learning through:
  • Encouraging learners to raise open questions.
  • Encouraging critical thinking and producing judgments.
  • Developing the skills of reading and training to think about what is being read and to extract meanings, then organize them and translate them into written material.
  • Connecting learning to life and making life situations is the context in which learning takes place.
  • Creating an encouraging atmosphere for self-direction and inquiry, and providing sources and opportunities for self-inquiry.
  • Encouraging the learner to gain self-confidence and learning abilities.
  • Putting real-life problems to the discussion.

SAM- A Self-learning assistance system

 machine-learning course

Self-Learning Assistance System can Help Optimize Production Machines

 SAM is the self-learning assistance system and looks like a revolution in the world. We are on the edge of automation. Artificial intelligence is the key player.
If things go well, automated learning will help companies develop their capabilities. Companies develop ideas immediately

A good automated learning system is created through basic and advanced algorithms, scalability, data preparation capabilities, group modeling, automation, and recurring operations.

Machines will actually outweigh human power in almost everything leading to process change, cost savings and greater and greater levels of automation.
Image and audio recognition systems will recognize individuals across different channels and will be the fastest growing companies with smarter employees.

More recently, the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and IVV Packaging in Dresden has shared very good news for students, teachers, and researchers. Fraunhofer IVV scientists are developing a self-learning assistance system that helps machine operators solve errors, build their expertise, and process knowledge.

When taking into account the experience of people managing machines, the results are particularly successful to prevent long downtime and large amounts of scrap, manufacturers must design production processes to be stable and effective. The speed of the device needs to be regulated.
However, this knowledge is specific to everyone - a less experienced colleague needs more time to find the solution. On a processing machine, chocolate plates are wrapped in paper.

The sensor detects a deviation in the production process and stops the device. Even with modern systems, short breaks occur on average every five minutes. The experienced machine operator knows where the fault lies.

According to scientists at FraunhoferIVV in Dresden, this knowledge based on experience is available to all operators at all times, they claim, the system monitors machine conditions and operator procedures and maintains successful solution strategies.

The engine operator's adapter resolves it and then connects it to the current fault condition recorded by the SAM.

 If a particular error occurs multiple times, the SAM recognizes it and can give tips to the operator about the cause and how to resolve the problem. This way, the device is fixed and turned back on.

For this reason, people have revived the interest in learning the machine just like the theory of virtualization and data extraction for several factors such as data storage is affordable, more powerful and less expensive computer processing and the types and sizes of available data growing

André Schulte, group manager at Digitalization and Efficiency Processing at Fraunhofer IVV, explained that SAM is able to learn at a similar speed to a human and can recognize patterns after a few repetitions.
"Thanks to our knowledge of packaging machine operations, we can make SAM very fast."

"The man is a wonderful tool, with their hands and eyes more flexible and better than many robots or cameras, yet the processes and systems are becoming more complex all the time.

In modern technology, humans play an indispensable role in a production, because it increases their sense of value in their work and their lives, Schulte said.

According to the report, Fraunhofer IVV is planning to further develop its operator assistance system for self-learning over the next five years and add new functionality through a range of new modules.

Manufacturers will be able to use SAM for operation, maintenance, installation, assembly, and machine development.

In the next few years, SAM can be adapted to specific customer requirements. Additional features are possible, it is also possible to use image processing, external sensors, speech recognition and gestures will increase.

By creating accurate models, companies and institutions have a good chance of recognizing profitable and successful opportunities and reducing risk and thus making automated learning an important element in key industries.

In the future, such models can be built that can automatically and quickly analyze more complex and larger data and deliver more accurate and faster results if needed.

The idea of self-education emerged as a reflection of the progressive thought in education, in which the learner became the center of the process of education and the essence of the curriculum.
The content of the subject became not only a particular school book, but content became the learner's content through a range of interactions with the environment.
Thus, this trend in the history of the evolution of educational thought has led to the beginning of the trend toward self-education.  
There are many models and tools designed to be self-taught and self-learned.
In this direction, the learner studies educational materials at a high level in a suitable manner according to the ability of each individual learner, to progress in his study according to his own rate, or what is meant by self-speed in self-learning situations.

The Scientific World

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