Why Nutrition is Important for Us? Scientific Analysis

Nutrition is considered one of the elements which provide us with energy, the building blocks for repair and development and for regulating chemical processes that ensure the survival of the human being. 
Good nutrition gives humans access to a healthy body and free from diseases. Proper nutrition in human life is one of the most important things that affect human physical and psychological health. 
The most important is the growth and construction of tissues and cells necessary to build the human body. This improves the performance of well-nourished children in school, growing up in a healthy and youthful condition, and giving the children a good start in life. 

Nutrient-Rich Foods for a Healthy Diet
Nutrient-Rich Foods for a Healthy Diet

Why nutrition is important for our bodies?

What is Good Nutrition?

Nutrition is the cornerstone of life, good health, and a disease-free body, and the development of present and future generations. 
Good nutrition is defined as eating a variety of healthy foods, which provide the body with many important nutrients to maintain a healthy body, possess the energy it needs, and feel well. 

Healthy food is the one that contains all the daily nutritional requirements that the human body needs at all stages of his life. 
Every healthy food and liquid contains some important nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, some vitamins, minerals, and water. 
These elements are based on a balanced diet, which provides the body with the healthy foods it needs to perform its various functions and this helps in our mental and physical growth as well. 
We must aware of the food and liquid that we take regularly.  

What are the Most Important Nutrients? 

We all know very well, our body needs enough food to survive. Food and water are necessary for us to maintain life, stimulate growth, build up our body and keep it healthy and it is also essential to drive away hunger and malnutrition. 

Every healthy food and liquid contains some important nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, some vitamins, minerals, and water. They give us the required energy and sufficient nutrients to grow and develop to be healthy and energetic, to move around, work, exercise, play, think and learn. 

Our body needs a variety of nutrients that play a different role to keep our body healthy and build new cells. 
The following nutrients are usually got from the food we eat every day to stay healthy, active and productive and these are the major part of our life.

1. Carbohydrates
2. Vitamins
3. Minerals
4. Proteins
5. Fats
carbohydrates-healthy delicious carbs
The most important nutrients - Carbohydrates
Why Carbohydrates are Important for Our Body?
Carbohydrate is the main source of energy that is being provided to the body because it converts more readily into glucose. 
Basically, carbohydrates are biomolecules and made up of three components: Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen formed by plants and structurally it is more accurate to view them as aldoses and ketoses. 

The efficiency of carbohydrates can cause the production of ketones in the body; it can result in a condition known as ketosis. 
Carbohydrate performs numerous roles in the living organism and helps our body to supply the energy for the formation of a cellular constituent. 

Carbohydrates and their derivatives include many other beneficial biomolecules.  5-carbon monosaccharide ribose is a vital part of coenzymes (eg FAD, ATP, and NAD) and the spinal cord or backbone of the genetic molecule called RNA. 
The related deoxyribose is a component of DNA. They play key roles in the immune system, fertilization, preventing pathogenesis, blood clotting, and development.

There are four types of carbohydrates are important - sugar, starches, fibers, and gum. 
If carbohydrates are taken regularly it doesn't cause any weight gain, unless like other food groups.

Carbohydrates are found in a large number of foods. The important sources are bread, milk, fruits, sugarcane, potatoes, cereals (wheat, maize, rice), pasta, soda, chips, candies, cookies, cakes, etc.

Glycogen is a carbohydrate that is found in the liver and muscles. Cellulose is a carbohydrate in the cell wall of all plant tissues. It is essential in our diet as a fiber that helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system. 

Sugar is mainly found in our diet in the form of sucrose (table sugar), which is added to the beverages and drinks and many ready-made foods such as jams, biscuits, cakes, and glucose and fructose which are naturally available in many fruits and some vegetables.

source of vitamin D
The most important nutrients - Milk-A source of vitamin D

Why Are Vitamins Important for Us?
A vitamin is an organic compound, sometimes it is called micronutrient. It is very necessary to maintain good health, especially for the organs in the body. 
Basically, it regulates our body processes and controls many functions in the body. 

Our body requires every type of vitamins as substances to work properly and develop normally. There are 13 vitamins necessary for our body. Some of the vitamins are A, B, C, D, E, K, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12. 
In our daily life, we get all most all these vitamins from foods whatever we take. Our body can also generate vitamins D and K. 

Each vitamin has specific jobs. If we eat a balanced diet we get enough essential vitamins automatically from our daily food or liquid.

We also do not need to take any special vitamins separately. In only a few cases, we need to take the multivitamin every day for optimal health. Any special low level of vitamin causes the disease. 
For example, if we do not get excess Vitamin D then it can cause vacancies. Vitamin 'A' deficiency can cause night darkness. 
After the discovery of vitamins, scientists have redefined the science of nutrition.

Sources of minerals
The most important nutrients -Sources of minerals
Why Minerals are Important for Humans?
Minerals are the most important part of our body, they are also called micronutrients. They regulate our body processes and also build body tissues such as bones (calcium) and blood (iron). 
Like vitamins, minerals also make our body work properly but they do not prevent weight loss. 

Although we get it to form our daily foods, so we don't need to take it separately. Minerals boost our immune system. Some important minerals are Calcium, Chloride, Fluoride, Iodine, Chromium, Iron, and Copper. 
These types of minerals can be found from our daily food or liquid supplement like salt, vegetable oils, soy sauce, whole grains, nuts, milk, cheese, etc.

protein-rich food
The most important nutrients - Eggs are protein-rich foods
Why are Proteins Important for Our Body?
Protein is an abundant type of nutrient in our body that builds new tissues and a strong immune system, repairs all damaged cells and maintains the body’s muscle, blood, skin, bones, and organs in our body. 
Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. 

Our body needs these amino acids to work properly. Proteins help information of hormones and enzymes which play a variety of roles in our body such as metabolism and sexual development. 

Some of the good protein sources are meat, eggs, lentils, low-fat dairy products, nuts, tofu, peas, soy, tempeh, and seeds. Some common foods are rich in protein such as whole grain bread, corn, potatoes, and pasta.

High-fat foods
The most important nutrients - High-fat foods
Why Fats are Important for You?
Fats provide us extra energy so they are also known as the body’s secondary source of energy. They help people survive through cold weather and actually are responsible for more energy or calories per gram than any other nutrients. 
They don't always make us fat; actually, they play an important role to insulate our bodies by giving us protection from sudden changes in temperature and also protect our vital organs. 

When dietary fats are digested, fatty acids are obtained. Fats are is also necessary for healthy skin and the regulation of blood pressure. 
Fats contain a broad group of compounds that are soluble in organic solvents but they are insoluble in water. The interesting fact about fats is that it is more difficult to burn them. 

To obtain sufficient amounts of linoleic acid, some fatty acids cannot be produced on the body. 
There are two types of fats there saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Any adult needs a spoon of unsaturated fat daily. 
Saturated fats mainly occur in dairy products like cream, butter, cheese, and some chocolates. 
The source of unsaturated fats is sunflower, soybean and corn oils, etc. Some meat is also a source of fats.

water is life
Water is the most important nutrient
Why is Water the Most Important Nutrient for Our Body?
Water is the most abundant type of liquid found in the human body. It covers 70% of the total mass in the body. 
Water gives cell shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur and help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry away the body's waste products. 
That's why it is a very necessary nutrient than available all nutrients.

In this article, we have mentioned some important nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, some vitamins, minerals, and water, by scientific observation.  

A proper food choice leads to a lifetime habit in our daily life toward a healthy extended life. 
Each food and liquid contain some nutrition values which are very necessary for our life and may help to extend or decrease our lifespan as well as define our degree or livelihood and help in our mental and physical development as well. 
We must aware of the food and liquid that we take regularly.

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