Chickenpox vs. Measles - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Chickenpox and measles are both infectious diseases that usually occur in children.
Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Measles, also known as rubeola, is caused by the measles virus.
Chickenpox and measles now can be prevented through home remedies and vaccinations.
chickenpox and measles
Chickenpox and measles are both infectious diseases that usually occur in children.

Chickenpox vs. Measles - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Chickenpox vs. Measles

Chickenpox and measles are both infectious diseases that occur in children but now they are preventing through immunization. They are due to two different viruses. 

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Measles, also called rubeola, are caused by the measles virus. There are a few cases of measles in the US every year compared to chickenpox. 

Both chickenpox and measles are highly contagious, which means that you can easily spread them to others.  
It can be an easy way to differentiate between two diseases. 
Let's look at the chickenpox and measles in-depth and see what makes them different.

Symptoms of Chickenpox and Measles

The common symptoms of chickenpox are:
Fevers, headaches, appetite, fatigue or tiredness and a tooth decrease which initially appears on your chest, face and back, but can spread to the rest of your body. 

Chickenpox bursts start with the raised red barrier or the Pipals. These collisions turn into blisters filled with itchy fluids, or vesicles, which will eventually rupture and leak before breakdown. 

Chickenpox spreads through breathing respiratory droplets, which occur when a sick person coughs or sneezes. It can also be spread with contaminated surfaces or through contact with fluid from breakable blisters. 
You are infected with chickenpox two days before the tooth appears. As long as all your spots are over, you will remain contagious.

A chickenpox infection usually lasts between 5 to 10 days. Chickenpox is generally lighter but can cause serious complications in the risk groups. 
Once you get chickenpox, it is not very likely that you will get it again. However, the virus remains inactive within your body and can later be re-active in the form of horns in life.

The common symptoms of measles are:
A hacking cough, throat pain, fever, nose bleeding, swelling and swollen eyes, small red spots with blue-white centers found inside the mouth and cheeks. Thses symptoms first appear on your hairline or forehead and then spread in the lower parts of your body.  The measles appears as flat red spots, although raised obstacles can sometimes be present. If obstacles are visible, they do not contain fluid.

As the measles stretches, measles spots may start moving together. Like chickenpox, measles can spread through the air when a sick person coughs or sneezes, as well as becomes contaminated through contact with surface or object. 
The measles teeth are contagious four days before the appearance of it and then after four days. 
The measles infection can be made on the deadline of two to three weeks. Potential complications of measles infection include ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and encephalitis. Once you have measles, you cannot get it again.

Causes of Chickenpox and Measles

Causes of Chickenpox
Chickenpox, caused by the zoster virus, is highly contagious and can spread rapidly. The virus is transmitted through direct contact with the rash or droplets in the air. It is also caused by coughing or sneezing.
The risk of chickenpox increases if:
  • You have not been infected with chickenpox
  • You have not been vaccinated against chickenpox
  • You work or go to a school or child care facility
  • You live with children

Causes of Measles
Measles virus is a very contagious virus so that if someone is infected with this virus, measles will be transmitted to nearly 90% of people who are not vaccinated against the virus and will become measles. 

When a person with measles coughs, sneezes or speaks, tiny droplets of saliva are released into the air.  These droplets carrying the virus can also fall on the surfaces of the surrounding areas. The virus remains active and contagious for up to 4 hours. When the virus enters the body, it begins to multiply in mucous tissue cells in the larynx and lungs. The virus then spreads throughout the body, including the respiratory tract and the skin.

Measles is very contagious. Any contact with an HIV-positive person can cause measles in people who are not vaccinated against the virus. 
If someone has been infected with measles in the past, his body produces antibodies in the immune system to fight pollution that cannot get measles again.
Some general risk factors of measles include:
  • Infants (from mother to fetus).
  • Children under the age of one year.
  • People who did not receive measles vaccination.
  • Pregnant women (Pregnancy causes serious complications of the fetus).
Most people who have had chickenpox or measles have immunity against chickenpox. 
If you have received an infection and have contracted chickenpox or measles, the symptoms are often milder with lower sore and fever mild. 
A few people can get chickenpox or measles more than once, but this is rare.

Treatment of Chickenpox and Measles 

Chickenpox and measles are both due to viral infection; treatment is focused on simplifying symptoms until the infection is cleared. 
Chickenpox burst can be very itchy; your doctor can write antihistamines to help to itch. Some people have a high risk of complications from chickenpox infection, including weak immune systems, steroid medicines, and unwanted babies and adults. 
Chickenpox has never been criticized. These groups can be prescribed antiviral drugs such as acyclovir, which can help reduce the severity of the infection.

Home Remedies for Chickenpox and Measles
You can help reduce the symptoms of both infections by doing the following:
Relax and drink lots of fluids. 
You should use over-the-counter (OTC) medication to get rid of the fever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. 
If you have a cough or a sore throat, help a humidifier reduce the inconvenience.

Follow the tips below to deal with chickenpox rashes:

Do not scratch the chickenpox spot - no matter how much it is itching! It can lead to scarring or infection. 
If your child has chickenpox, consider clapping your fingernails to put gloves on your hands or to prevent scratches. To reduce the itching, take a cold bath or use cold compression. 
An oatmeal bath can also be beneficial. Later, use a clean towel to dry it. Dab calamine lotion on any itchy spots, avoiding eyes and face. You should use the antihistamine to help get rid of itching, such as Benadryl. 
Your doctor may also write antihistamine. If you have blisters in your mouth, try to eat cold, blend food while avoiding hot, spicy, or acidic foods.

Chickenpox and measles can be prevented through immunizations and vaccinations. These vaccinations are both parts of the child's normal immunization program. Both vaccines are given in two doses. 
The first dose is given between 12 to 15 months, while the second dose is given between 4 to 6 years of age. 
If you were not vaccinated for any disease as a child, then you should plan to immunize. This not only protects you from infection but also helps prevent chickenpox and measles from spreading within your community. 
If you think that you have come into contact with measles (or chickenpox if you do not have a disease) and you do not have a vaccine, you may be vaccinated and potentially a protein called immune globulin as a post-exposure therapy. 
If you come down with measles or chickenpox, the disease may be lighter.

Prevention is always better than treatment, especially since the disease may have many serious consequences and complications. 
Chickenpox may appear inside the eye and may cause body infection, inflammation of the iris, corneal inflammation, ciliary cystitis, optic nerve damage, and retinopathy.
Measles vaccination is generally given as a vaccine combined with MMR, which also includes two vaccines against rubella and mumps.
The vaccine is produced by taking the virus responsible for the emergence of measles from the throat of a person and making it multiply in the chicken embryo cells in the laboratory.

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