Which foods help stabilize insulin and blood sugar levels?|Diabetes-Friendly Diet

Want to balance insulin and blood sugar levels naturally? Let's take a look at some of the best food items to stabilize the level of insulin and blood sugar.
Diabetes-Friendly Diet
Diabetes-Friendly Diet

Which foods help stabilize insulin and blood sugar levels? Diabetes-Friendly Diet


Many people know that carbohydrates, when consumed in excessive quantities, can cause a number of health problems associated with inflammation, from overweight and anxiety to insulin resistance and poor digestion. It took years to get rid of the accumulated damage from the wrong old food pyramid that put carbohydrates at the bottom and to make people understand that yes, fruit is sugar, as well as grains, as far as our bodies are concerned. 

Understanding how certain foods affect insulin and blood sugar levels can help someone make informed choices about eating and when to eat.

Diet can play an important role in managing diabetes. A person with diabetes can eat balanced, healthy food without having to eat food items. The key is restraint and it knows which foods help in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels. 

To be healthy, people with diabetes need to control their blood glucose and insulin levels. In addition to medications, lifestyle changes and dietary changes are the necessary part of diabetes management. Avoiding foods rich in sugar, unhealthy fats, and simple carbohydrates and eating a balanced diet, a person can better control their insulin levels and blood sugar levels. 

Top diabetes patient fruits include avocados, apple, guava, oranges, peaches, berries and more.

In this article, we will discuss some of the best food items to stabilize the level of insulin and blood sugar. We will also look at foods that should be avoided or eaten only by a person. However, it is necessary for someone with diabetes to talk to a  dietician or doctor before making a significant diet change.

Facts about Diabetes and Blood Sugar

Our body needs glucose for fuel, and there is a very complex process that makes our body possible to use that sugar. Insulin is a hormone, that is made by the pancreas and that enables the cells to take advantage of sugar in our body. Type 2 diabetes occurs when our body is not able to remove sugar from our blood. This may happen when our body stops being sensitive to insulin, or if it starts to respond in an exaggerated or a delayed way to changes in our blood glucose.

Unchecked high blood sugar successively damages the blood vessels in our body. In the long term, this slow, progressive loss can increase the risk of loss of sensation in our legs and feet, loss of eyesight and kidney stone, and risk for heart disease and stroke.

High and low blood sugar are both health hazards. Low blood sugar can cause hypoglycemia, which puts people at risk for the loss of consciousness and confusion so it may be dangerous and life-threatening for humans. High levels of blood sugar or fluctuations in the opposite direction can cause fatigue and dehydration.

Diabetes-Friendly Diet
Diabetes-Friendly Diet

What foods will bring down Diabetes and blood sugar?

High-protein foods

Research shows that the protein does not increase blood sugar levels in the body, and it can help a person feel full for a long time. Protein is an essential nutrient in fish, meats, and some vegetables,  such as beans, legumes, and nuts. Protein is the best as clean sources such as grass-fed beef or wildly caught fish and it is a great blood sugar balancer but we should remember that we should not take too high protein rich foods because high protein intake causes our body to change the protein that we are eating into sugar through, which is called gluconeogenesis. However, high protein intake may have mixed results for people with type 2 diabetes. 

Some short-term studies indicate that a high protein diet can reduce blood sugar levels. However, in the long term, the rich diet in animal protein can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, while rich diet in plant protein can reduce this risk marginally. When protein combined with other starchy foods, it helps keep our blood glucose balance and slow down the absorption of our sugars in our bloodstream. The person with diabetes should favor the high protein foods but less animal fat contents. He can easily add proteins, which contain small animal fat to the food. For example, like a roasted chicken breast, beans are an excellent addition to salads.

Some high-protein foods include:

  • Poultry, such as  turkey and chicken 

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Beans, such as black beans and lima,

  • Fish, such as mackerel, salmon, and tuna

  • Lentils

  • Tofu and soybeans

Healthy Fats

Fat is the longest permanent source of energy for us and our brain. Even as a child, we rely on fat from breast milk for optimal energy and brain development. Eating more healthy fat and less unhealthy fat can help reduce levels of harmful cholesterol, provide better blood sugar control and improve heart health. Our brain contains 60 percent fat. When we rely on sugar for energy, then we are depriving our body in exactly the same way, from which it releases blood sugar roller coaster and adds more fat to our diet. Healthy fats may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, and omega-3s are one example. Trans and saturated fats are unhealthy. 

Some study reports show that avocado also offers various health benefits. It can improve cardiovascular health and can promote healthy aging and weight management. Avocado is great in dips and salads, and it can also add creaminess to the desert and can try changing butter to olive oil in dishes. While looking for healthy fats, some excellent sources are olive oil, canola oil, avocados, salmon, nuts and seeds.

Non-starchy vegetables

There are basically two types of vegetables: starchy and non-starchy. Starch vegetables are rich in carbohydrates, which can increase the level of blood sugar of a person. Vegetables can be frozen, canned or fresh. If a person is not eating them raw, then the best way to prepare vegetables is roasted or steam with at least extra fat or salt. Also, pay attention to the types of preservatives in pre-packaged vegetables. Check the content lists for added salt, sugar, fats, and oil.

Some examples of non-starchy vegetables include Cucumber, baby corn, bean sprouts, cabbage, squash, and carrots.

Whole-grain foods

The main difference between whole grains and refined cereals is that whole grains contain more vitamins and minerals, while refined cereals contain starch part of the grain, which contain fewer nutrients. Whole grains provide a more healthy alternative to highly processed or refined cereals. To help control the level of blood sugar, one person may include whole grain products in food or snacks. 

Find products with 100 percent whole grain content. However, when they are consumed in moderation, there are other health benefits associated with eating fresh fruits and whole grains.

Some popular examples include whole oats, oatmeal, cornmeal, crackers, brown rice, pasta, popcorn, bread, quinoa, and cereals.

Fatty fish

To see some benefits, try adding fatty fish to the diet at least one day per week. Fatty fish such as salmon contains high amounts of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Protein does not affect blood sugar. It is filling, and it provides the necessary nutrients to help the body grow and repair. As with other foods, preparation is important. Avoid glucose marinades and try grilling the fish instead of frying.


Cacao is a bean-like seed. Grinding the seed produces a powder that is bitter and full of nutrients, and manufacturers use it to create chocolate. Cacao contains the flavonoid epicatechin, which may help regulate blood sugar levels. Several small studies indicate that cacao may help slow the progression of type 2 diabetes and reduce insulin resistance. An easy way to add cacao to the diet is by eating dark chocolate in moderation. Dark chocolate contains more cacao than milk chocolate. While dark chocolate tends to contain less sugar than milk chocolate, many well-known manufacturers add more sugar. When choosing between brands, it is essential to check the sugar contents. People with diabetes should limit their chocolate intake to one or two small squares of dark chocolate per day.

Diabetes-Friendly Diet
Foods to Balance Insulin and Blood Sugar Levels

Benefits of stabilizing insulin and blood sugar

Glucose or blood sugar is our main source of energy. It gives instructions that how we feel hungry and energetic. When we break down any carbohydrate from quinoa to cake, blood sugar is produced. The important consideration in relation to blood sugar is balancing. When we balance our blood sugar, we feel best and lose fat: not too much, not very little. By eating the right amount of protein, fat, and fiber in each meal, you can naturally freeze blood sugar and stabilize it for burning fat and you can achieve continuous energy throughout the day. It will also help keep invasive insulin spikes on the bay. Diabetes can cause symptoms and a range of health problems.

Controlling insulin and blood sugar levels can have a range of benefits that include:

  • Reduced fatigue
  • Improved brain and blood vessel health
  • Reduced risk of complications, such as nerve and kidney damage
  • Improved mood
  • Increased energy levels

Foods to avoid with high blood sugar

There are several foods that a person with diabetes should either avoid or eat only in moderation. The following can cause blood sugar and insulin levels to spike:

  • White rice, bread, and pasta
  • Baked goods and processed foods, which often contain trans fats
  • Breakfast cereals with added sugar
  • Dried fruit, which often has added sugar
  • Flavored, sugary coffee drinks
  • French fries
  • Sugary drinks, such as sports drinks, soda, and juices
  • Yogurts with added sugar
  • Honey and maple syrup

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