Technology and Digital Citizenship: How to Sponsor Global Digital Society

Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of information technology by anyone who uses digital devices, computers and the Internet in order to engage in society, politics, and government on any level.
Digital citizenship is one of the most important pillars on which the state relies on finding solutions to issues that concern society.
As technology advances, it is necessary to establish controls and standards to deal with this progress.
As technology is integrated into modern society, especially in the education sector, digital citizenship is an essential skill that all students need to possess.
Digital citizenship
How can we sponsor a global digital society and why responsible digital citizenship matters to the world?

Technology and Digital Citizenship - How to Sponsor Global Digital Society and Why it Matters to the World

Technology and Digital Citizenship

We are witnessing a tremendous revolution in the field of technology and digital information.
Technology has become an important and indispensable part of life. The revolution of information technology carries many pros and cons of individual and society.

It is our duty as users of the technology to employ technological means in the correct ways, in accordance with sound ethical rules, taking into account the religious and legal controls to reduce the negatives on society.

So we aim to work together to spread the right concepts of digital citizenship and contribute to the proper application to move towards a conscious and educated society.

As the world reaches the technological realm, it presents us to developing and backward countries.  
Technology users, who have adopted many technological aspects, may be called "digital immigrants" despite their mastery, but as if they are learning a new language at a later stage of their lives.
As digital citizens are young people and teenagers, most of the students, technology attracts their attention and interest, and that is why they are the most committed and attached to it.

So there are many questions in mind how to use technology properly and correctly.

As it enters everyday life, it is thought that it has caused many negative and bad habits like using a laptop while walking, or talking during the class day in classes and lectures. 

There are many examples of technology misuse and exploitation, whether at home, school or society in general.

In the light of these poor uses, there is a need to identify appropriate practices and to establish clear and explicit principles and foundations when using these digital technologies because of a large number of challenges facing digital citizens.

So in the future, we have to create structured legislation for the use of technologies, and there should be self-censorship.

As the use of technology is growing rapidly, future challenges are also increasing speedily and becoming more difficult to face them, therefore, it is expected that, with digital citizenship, everything will be better in the future.

Read more: What is Digital Citizenship and Why is Digital Citizenship Important in Education?

What is Responsible Digital Citizenship?

Digital citizenship is one of the most important pillars on which the state depends on finding solutions to issues that concern society. 

As technology advances, it is necessary to establish controls and standards to deal with this progress. 

The so-called digital citizenship, which enables us to overcome the disadvantages of technology in general, is not technical, but a culture that should be available to all digital users.

Responsible digital citizenship means having social media skills to participate in online community life in a safe, ethical and respectful manner.

If you have a smartphone or social media account, and you use an online educational platform or create digital content, then you are a digital citizen.

It is a crime to steal, hack, illegally download or harm other people's work, identity or property online, so if anyone who is involved in any kind of illegal activity is not a responsible digital citizen.

Good digital citizens behave lawfully, respectfully, protect their privacy and reputations and treat others the same way.

A responsible digital citizen recognizes his / her rights and responsibilities while using digital media and thinks about whether his online activities are causing any harm to himself and others?

Digital citizenship and the Education System

How can digital citizenship be used in the classroom?
The concept of digital citizenship has a strong relationship to the education system, as it can help teachers, students and parents in general, to understand what students need to know in order to use technology appropriately.

Digital citizenship is more than just an educational tool. It is a means of preparing students for full involvement in society and active participation.

Of course, there are many problems related to technology, which if applied digital values of citizenship disappeared completely from our lives, including:
  • Not to use technology in the right track.
  • Linking the use of technology to negative habits, such as the use of mobile while driving.
  • The emergence of many electronic problems, such as information crimes, hacking, and piracy.
  • E-discussions on networks that have no relation to social ethics.
  • Low level of electronic security.
  • Low technology use skills of many learners and some teachers.
  • Lack of desire of some to use technology in education, and use it for social entertainment only.
  • There are many destructive calls and misleading news on technological means.
  • Lack of a general culture of technology use in life.
  • Excessive use of technology, causing some to be damaged.

How do we make our generation more conscious, aware and responsible?

We emphasize the beginning that the main goal of education is to help students prepare for their future because technology will be part of this future, not just providing them with basic science and knowledge, because knowledge exists everywhere and their role lies in their good selection under this information momentum.

Based on what we say, we need learners who are equipped with a critical and innovative mentality that will enable them to deal with all forms of existing technology and will emerge in the future.

We want to develop a digital society that has the values of citizenship, and all this is achieved through the curriculum.

Are our curricula in the present form incorporating the concepts of digital citizenship? What is the role of curriculum development towards digital citizenship?
In order to answer the first part of the question, we must diagnose the reality and analyze the content of the current education curricula and issue clear judgments.
Then we define the needs based on scientific foundations and we build the curriculum components in the light of digital citizenship.

As for the second part of the question, the role of curriculum development is great in instilling values in general and sound principles in the minds of learners and the consolidation of constants and ethics.

This is not achieved by simply adding a course or topic within a curriculum, but by incorporating the values of digital citizenship into the curriculum and making it a general framework through which educational situations are presented.

One of the most important values of digital citizenship: respect the learner for himself and others, as well as protect himself and others around him, self-learning and good communication with others.

Even to protect the learner himself and others must be used to the use of critical thinking skills that protect the owner from blindness without control or awareness, and to practice the analysis of positions and evaluate them scientifically logical assessment, and also able to skill selection of good alternatives, and accommodate the rights and responsibilities of digital citizenship.

For example, when a student creates or publishes something that preserves rights, in contrast when using any published material, he must preserve the rights of others by documenting the source.

Finally, instilling the values of digital citizenship is not a luxury, but a necessity. Rather, these values must be included in the future approach, because when developing the curriculum, we must take into consideration the nature of the age in which we live and its consequences.

This is in line with the general objectives of education in accordance with the National Transition Program 2020 and the 2030 vision.
This included curriculum development and enhancing the values and skills of students so that students become aware and strong and possess the necessary knowledge and skills for the future such as critical thinking, problem-solving, decision making, self-control, and others.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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