How Modern Technology is used in Education System for Learning and Teaching?

How is technology transforming teaching and learning?
Many new technologies are being used in the education system today: online learning, social networking, interactive whiteboards, podcasting, class blogs and wikis, and mobile devices.
Education technology can help teachers and students better engage with course materials and make learning more interactive and collaborative.
Educational technology provides benefits such as collaboration, communication, organization, efficiency, virtual experiences, additional support and more.
Educational technology
How Modern Technology is Used in Education?

How Modern Technology is used in the Education System for Learning and Teaching?

Educational technology is one of the leading sciences that constantly updates its concept and content to be compatible with the needs of the emerging scientific field and with the changes of the age.

The concept of educational technology has evolved over time to become more comprehensive and more widely is used in the modern era: The era of Information Technology Revolution.

Education is an organized method that contributes to the student's acquisition of a set of the knowledge-based system through the use of an organized, intended and pre-defined means.

The emergence of education coincided with the emergence of civil society and its continuous development; schools reflect the concept of education and represent the education process that interested in controlling the scientific content of students by relying on the use of regulation, discipline, and rationing.

What is Educational Technology?

Education technology is an integrated system based on a structure of knowledge and science specialized in human learning, and the use of a range of learning resources, both human and non-human, that promote and support the activities of students (learners); by relying on the application of the curriculum of systems that achieve the objectives of education.

 Learning technology is defined by UNESCO as a curve used in the design and establishment of the process of education, and then contribute to the implementation and evaluation of the full on the basis of certain goals, and linked to the results of research for Communication and education, used with human resources or non-human; to education for a lot of efficiency.

History of educational technology

There are diverse views on the historical roots and evolution of the concept of educational technology.

A group of researchers sees that their beginnings date back to the era of primitive man, based on the use of a set of tools, techniques, and methods.

According to the thinker Hawker, the theories of educational technology were founded on the basic principles of learning.
It relies on the ideas, opinions, and theories of many international thinkers and scholars.
Educational technology
How Modern Technology is Used in Education?

The Evolution of Educational Technology

The development of educational technology dates back to the 1920s when the world and the educational thinker (art) referred to it as the technology of education.

Since that year, a number of stages have influenced the concept of educational technology and contributed to its development to the concept known in the present era. 

The stages of evolution were behavioral science, communication concept, audiovisual education, system concepts, and visual education.

Educational technology has been associated with a range of educational tools interested in programs, equipment, and materials, all of which are specialized communication systems.

In 1970, the presidential commission on education reform (PCER) introduced two definitions, followed by many other definitions, which were based primarily on the two previous definitions, in the use and identification of a specific concept of education technology, and it was impossible to choose one definition and one concept only.

The philosopher (Wilson) pointed out that the definition of a precise concept and specialized in education technology is a difficult task.

Especially in conjunction with the rapid and accelerating developments in the field of education and technology.

Use of technology in education

Educational technology has an important role to play in the educational environment. Its use and application in education depend on a variety of means known as educational technology.

Educational technology includes a range of educational tools and devices, such as computers and television.

Many of the educational strategies are used in applying this technology in Education, such as self- learning, and group education, and examples of tools and devices used in the application of education technology are:

Open Education Resources: A set of modern means to help students learn; by reducing the financial costs of traditional subjects, and by enhancing their reliance on digital learning resources.

Virtual education: An educational tool that can be applied in or out of classrooms by using video recordings and watching students in the classroom or using their mobile devices.

Monitoring tools: They are a means used to supervise exams, and are more sophisticated than the routine way of observing students during exams.
Performance Monitoring tools are centers that bring together students to submit their exams and ease their mobility from one place to another or between countries to submit exams; Their place of residence was far from the exam site.

Formative assessment: An evaluation method used by a teacher or teacher at a school or university. This assessment helps to provide students with a perspective.
It also transforms the assessment into an analytical and structured method that helps the teacher to prepare many questions for student assessment, helps to organize them according to descriptive data.

Discussion forums: is an educational experience based on the establishment and design of a specialized council to discuss the subjects, and has many features such as enhancing the role of students in the participation, and activate the role of collaborative learning, whether using the Internet or outside.

Technology in Education?
How modern technology is used in education?

Are there any drawbacks to using technology in the classroom?

There are some drawbacks of using technology in the classroom and there are a number of disadvantages in terms of education technology, which are as follows:

  • Some educational materials are intended for use on a single system so they will not work correctly if another system is used.
  • The method is not suitable for some students; it is possible to require a high level of time management, self-discipline.
  • The cost of which is high.
  • Reliance on materials or software.
  • It may not reach all students.
  • Reduce student interaction with the teacher or colleagues.
Here, we have given a list of 12 disadvantages of technology in education:

1. Technology makes learners disconnected from the real world.
2. Transforming learners into inefficient learners.
3. Insufficient methods of teaching.
4. Major sources of distractions.
5. Misguided by the wrong information.
6. Students do not do their homework regularly and losing the assignment.
7. Waste of valuable time.
8. Creating enough room for cheating.
9. Increased rate of cyberbullying.
10. Extinct of good handwriting.
11. Replacing books with e-books.
12. Difficult to deal with online courses.

Guidelines for the use of technology in education
 The key role of the teacher is to help the student understand a particular topic.
Technology is the tool that the teacher will use to achieve this goal.
Technology alone cannot manage or control the learning process.
It is very important that the teacher knows that the way technology is used in education is what makes it useful or harmful to the educational process.
 So it is important for the teacher to determine what the student needs to learn in addition to identify the technology that will need to be used during the process of education, then the teacher to learn how to use technological tools in the classroom.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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