Computer Algorithms - How to Analyze the Algorithm

Computer algorithms define a process that allows the device to solve problems.
Computer algorithms can also be expressed as a series of clear instructions; there can be no possibility of self-interpretation, as the computer performs the same way.
Computer algorithms are also used for spell checking, financial calculations, search engines, and almost all tasks performed by the computer.
computer algorithm
The algorithms in the computer- How to Analyze the Algorithm

Computer Algorithms - How to Analyze the Algorithm

The concept of the algorithm is determined by work or formula for problem-solving. It depends on the implementation of a set of specific procedures.

Algorithm expresses in mathematics and computer science a small way of working to solve recurrent problems.
The computer can be presented as an accurate example of the algorithm.

 It should be noted that the data includes drawings, texts, sounds, and images.  The algorithm is a list of rules and instructions to be followed to solve a particular problem.

The desired solution can not be reached only by following the steps and instructions in the order in which they were received, nor should any step be repeated or ignored.

Computer Algorithms

 The algorithms in the computer express a carefully defined process that allows the device to solve problems.

The algorithm can also be expressed as a series of clear instructions; there can be no possibility of self-interpretation, as the computer performs the same way.
The same results are shown each time a user requests it.

The algorithm is also used for spell checking, financial calculations, search engines, and almost all tasks performed by the computer. 

Types of algorithms

There are a large number of types of supplies, describing some of these important supplies of their own, and describe others how the appearance of that task, and the language that expresses these algorithms from one book to another, and from person to person.
 For example, there is an algorithm called string matching the algorithm, where this string finds the appearance of inputs in larger series or parts of the text.

The algorithm is the example of Rabin Karp algorithm of this type of algorithms, and (divides and conquer algorithm) is one of the types of algorithms that express the way to solve problems.
 An example of this the algorithm is the search Duo; A goal with separated inputs is divided by dividing the inputs into small parts to find the target.

One type of algorithm can also extend to the previous two types; for example, a sorting algorithm that shows the repetitive sorting function through a repetitive function or sorting function.

Terms and Conditions - Algorithmia

 The algorithm must have a set of conditions:

Input: inputs must be zero or more.

Output: Output must be at least a value.

Definition: The steps must be clear and unambiguous so that they can be understood smoothly by people. For example:

(Add 6 or 7 to x) is unclear and thus does not meet the requirements of the algorithm.

 Finiteness: Each step of the algorithm is solved by a specific time, for example:
(Dividing 10 by 3 at high resolution) is unlimited and thus does not meet the algorithm requirements and does not allow its presence in the program.

Effectiveness: Every step must be possible. For example, the following phrase (3/0) is impossible because it is an undefined value.

How to Analyze the Algorithm

 Algorithm analysis is defined as determining the efficiency and quality of the algorithm and then developing it better. The extent and quality of the algorithm are measured by two measures:

 Space Complexity: The amount of memory needed by the program (from its operation to completion). This section consists of two parts:

Constant section: the independent section dedicated to simple and complex variables, constants and instructions. 
Variable Section: This section consists of the space required by the program of complex variables, which depends on the size of the issue to be resolved.

 Time complexity: It is the amount of time needed to form and configure a program until it is finished. It consists of: (T (P) = Const tp) where the (tp) symbol represents the run time of the program and the const: Authorization.

Algorithm Design
 The graph is defined as a set of vertices so that these elements relate to each other, called Edges, and divide the diagrams into three types:

 Non-vector Chart: Schemas whose elements are linked to each other in an unordered way, thus the trends are marginalized.

 Vector Chart: It is a scheme whose elements are related to each other within a particular pattern and order, and therefore trends (arrows) are necessary and very important.

Common chart: It is a diagram that includes both the former two types, elements that are linked by a vector relationship and which are linked by a non-bound relationship.

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