The Difference between Internal and External Components of a Computer

Internal components are devices that are connected to your computer's motherboard or built-in to the motherboard or added to an expansion card.
External components are devices that are outside the computer box or that have been added to the computer system by connecting them to one of the ports on the back of the computer.
computer components
Internal and external components of a computer

The Difference between Internal and External Components of a Computer

What is a Computer?

Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research (computer) is one of the most important devices and machines invented by humans since the beginning of mankind.
The computer has revolutionized the large areas of a different life and facilitates the process of storing enormous information.

It is known that the computer consists mainly of physical components (Hardware), and intangible components such as operating systems and software.

In this article, we will talk about internal and external computer components.

What are the computer components?

The computer consists of many types of components. The major components of the general-purpose computer system are the output unit, the input unit, the storage unit or main/internal memory, central processing unit (CPU).

The physical component of a computer is hardware as it is any visual and tangible part of the computer.

Input units are the units responsible for entering programs, and different data for the device. 

Output units are the units responsible for all views, and the results are executed according to the instructions that the user issues to them. 

Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The CPU is divided into three parts:

 The arithmetic logic unit (ALU): Performs arithmetic operations, such as subtraction, division, addition, comparison, order, and sorting.

Control Unit (CU): Coordinates processes between different units of the computer, controlling all inputs and outputs to and from various units in the computer.

Main memory: When the computer is turned on, the programs used, which are stored on the hard disk, are loaded into RAM.
This memory is usually used in storing programs, data being processed, performing business, freeing memory when power is off,, to be downloaded to the programs again when you restart the device.

It must be noted that the memory is divided into three types, namely: random access memory (RAM), Secondary memory, and cache memory.

Logical Components of a Computer

Operating system: It is the system that contains all the commands that enable the computer to perform various tasks, such as startup, display on the screen, the use of flexible floppy, solid storage of information, and it manages programs such as games processing, word processor and Internet browser, passes them to the processor, then organizes the display on the screen, takes the results from the processor, sends them to storage on the hard disk, or to print on the printer machine. 
The most famous drivers are:

Applications: Computer programs, such as graphics, tables, word processors, presentation tools, and multimedia programs.

System software: The software on the computer, is pre-stored on the hard drive when purchased.

Commercial software: It is the software offered for sale, such as office software.

Sharing Software: This software is available for some time before you purchase.

Free Software: It is a software program that is similar to a free subscription program and is usually distributed free of charge.

General Software: These programs are available for public use, and may be modified, or copied.

Components of Computer: Internal and External 

Internal Components
Power Supply: A device located in the back of a computer's box, providing power for its work and performance.

Motherboard: This motherboard is called this name because it is the piece that connects different parts of the computer to each other, and its task is to coordinate cooperation between different devices, and the transfer of data and the delivery of information to different parts of the computer.

Processor: The processor is the mastermind that receives all the commands and works to process them and gives the results in the form of different information.
This is a piece of square shape and lightweight and consists of millions of transistors grouped together by a slice of silicon.

Memory: There are two types of memory, namely: temporary memory or also known as random memory as well and permanent memory, as the memory is the memory on which the device depends mainly on the implementation of various commands and contributes greatly to increasing the speed of the computer and the processing of different information.
 As for permanent memory, it retains the basic information necessary to maintain the basic system and programs and cannot be changed.

External Components
Keyboard: It is one of the most important tools used to enter information and numbers and different characters into the computer to address and get the results.

Mouse: It is a tool used to mark or identify certain information that appears on the computer screen, and it needs a person or an assistant to manage it correctly.

Microphone: A device that specializes in receiving sounds and inserting them into the computer in order to modify or retain them. It also contributes greatly to the various voice conversations on the computer.

Scanner: A device that helps to insert various images and graphics into a computer, converting it from its graphic nature to another digital nature.

Printer: Used to output information, and data, such as numbers, letters, and images printed on paper.

Plotters: Used in the output of geometric drawings, and in various sizes, and then printed on paper.

Camera: which works to capture different images and keep them in the device.

Disc unit: Data is entered through a floppy, digital, and compact disc.

The computer is defined as a device that can perform various operations on data such as processing, storing or even retrieving it through programs designed by specialized programmers, and it can perform electronic calculations with great precision and speed.
There are many components of a computer that are defined as internal and external components or input and output units that we have discussed here briefly.

The Scientific World

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