Major Constraints and Challenges of Sustainable Development

What are some of the barriers to achieving sustainability?

The key challenges to sustainable development are: Instability, marginalization of the poor and entrenched inequities, poor policy implementation, weak governance, limited awareness about sustainable development and inadequate interaction between civil society and government.

Let's find out the main obstacles and challenges of sustainable development.

Sustainable Development: Obstacles and Challenges

Challenges to Sustainable Development
Major Constraints and Challenges of Sustainable Development

What are the Challenges to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

The main obstacles or constants in sustainable development are depleted natural resources and a significant increase in food prices and money, which have a negative and serious impact on a wide cross-section of society and the spread of epidemic diseases such as HIV / AIDS and the malaria epidemic and the lack of official development assistance and the problem of external debt.

The major challenges to sustainable development include exclusion, and poverty, climate change, unemployment, conflict, and humanitarian aid, the creation of peaceful and inclusive societies, supporting the better rule of law and building strong institutions of governance.

7 Main Obstacles in Sustainable Development

There is a growing awareness that population, poverty, production, consumption and environmental issues are closely related issues to the extent that none can be considered individually.

Population factors are sometimes seen as inhibitors of sustainable development, because when combined with poverty, lack of access to resources in some areas, over-consumption and patterns of production in other areas, demographic factors cause or exacerbate problems of environmental degradation and depletion of resources.

Despite the considerable progress that has been made during the period of the Rio Declaration in the field of environmental action and the sustainable development process (Rio Declaration on Environment and Development).

There are some obstacles and constraints on sustainable development in the world that many of the countries faced difficulties in adopting sustainable development plans and programs.

(1)  Poverty:  This is the basis of many health and social dilemmas and psychological and moral crises. 
The local communities, national and international development policies and economic reform plans eliminate the problems by creating employment and natural, human, economic and educational development of the poorest and most backward areas.

(2) Debt: There is a debt crisis in the country when a country is unable to pay its bills. But it does not occur overnight because there are many signs of warning.
This becomes a crisis when the leaders of the country ignore these signs and indicators for political reasons.
The important problem is that many of the countries are unable to generate enough public revenue.
There are many reasons for this such as continuous dependence on body industries, narrow tax bases, and weakening administration.
When the risk of the debt crisis becomes high, a quick response to reducing immediate financial stress could make all the difference between fast recovery and long-lasting loss.

(3) Climate-related disasters: The natural disasters, including the problems of drought, desertification and social underdevelopment resulting from ignorance, disease and poverty, constitute the main obstacles to the success of sustainable development plans and negatively affect poor societies in particular and the international community in general. 
There is a need to think about how we can protect humanity from its dangers and negative effects on society.

(4) War:  armed conflicts and foreign occupation which adversely affect the environment and its integrity, and the need to implement the United Nations resolutions calling for the end of foreign occupation and the enactment of legislation and obligations that prohibit and criminalize the pollution, deforestation or destruction of the environment; and respect for dignity in the treatment of prisoners in accordance with international law and to prevent the destruction of houses, civilian installations, and water sources.

(5) Population growth: Irrational population inflation, especially in the cities of developing countries, deteriorating living conditions in slums and increasing demand for health and social resources and services.

(6) Environmental degradation: The deterioration of the natural resource base and its continued depletion to support current production and consumption patterns, which increases the depletion of the natural resource base and impedes the achievement of sustainable development in developing countries.

(7) Lack of specialized technology: Lack of modern technologies and technical expertise to implement sustainable development programs and plans and to be able to fulfill the commitments on global environmental issues and the participation of the international community in efforts to develop solutions to these issues.

Challenges to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

The roots of the challenges to achieving sustainable development are three-fold.
We must follow a path to find sustainable solutions to these challenges that attract agreement and mobilize the efforts of the international community to implement these solutions.
These solutions should look for ways and means to deal with the various challenges facing Third World countries.
 In order to achieve the objectives of sustainable development, integrated coordination efforts at all levels and the implementation of the established commitments required by States to comprehensively address the needs of their peoples.

The most important challenges to sustainable development are:

A) To find the sources of funding needed to achieve sustainable development in developing countries and the commitment of the industrialized countries to increase their support for developing countries to become (1.5% of the national product).

B) Human development, health, and education programs for the least developed nations.
The State, local, regional and national communities and organizations with responsibility share responsibility for the differentiated between them.
They are required to contribute to the care of children and mothers and to establish infrastructure and facilities by financing sustainable development programs, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of these parties, in terms of their services in these vital areas, and in their attention to the development of programs of action for development at the governmental and grassroots levels and institutions.

C) To achieve integration and encourage domestic and foreign investment through the creation of a genuine partnership between the industrialized countries and the developing countries and to achieve better opportunities for their products to compete in the local and global markets through the World Trade Organization.

D) Finding new financing means to support the development efforts of developing countries.

E) To transfer and adopt modern technologies that are suitable for the environment and to encourage researchers and to provide them with the potential of scientific work as one of the reasons for the development and continuation of developmental work.
This is related to spreading awareness of the importance of scientific thinking and research in the fields of sustainable development.
Of sophistication and development in a faster time and at the lower cost.

F) The cultural heritage plays a fundamental role in the element of sustainable development because it contributes to the affirmation of cultural identity, preserves its privacy, protects its identity from melting, helps to build the independent personality of individuals and groups, and maintenance of the common future.
Therefore, the emphasis on the spiritual and moral dimensions advocated by the divine religions positively influences the payment

(G) Damage from actions taken by the international community to address global environmental issues and the responsibility of the international community to assist the affected Islamic States.

H) Ensure the full and effective participation of developing countries within decision-making centers and international economic institutions and promote efforts aimed at making the wheels of the global economy more transparent, equitable and respectful of applicable laws so as to enable developing countries to meet the challenges they face because of globalization.

In short, we can say that poverty reduction represents the greatest challenge to efforts to achieve the goals of sustainable development, which require a genuine partnership among the States of the international community as a whole.


Sustainable development is the building and restoration of land, without prejudice to the balance and non-exhaustion of elements necessary to preserve the integrity of the environment, reduce the exposure of the earth and its various types of pollution, and ensure the equitable distribution of resources and the returns of development and reduce the patterns of production and consumption of rational and towards sustainability.
The equation is simple: "Managing global development to achieve ecological balance."
But the big dilemma remains in practice: the world walks, the poor are getting poorer. There is a need for a new global decade based on justice.
Sustainable development based on equitable management of the world's resources, the equitable distribution of wealth and guaranteeing the human rights that are the shortest way to achieve world peace and security.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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