Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education - How AI Technology will Change the Future of Education?

How artificial intelligence is changing the future of education?
Artificial intelligence has been successfully applied in many educational tools that help develop teaching and learning skills and testing systems.
AI allows teachers the time and freedom to provide understanding and adaptability.
AI can help improve learning efficiency, student development, and teachers' performance, as well as it can drive personalization and streamline admin tasks.
Artificial intelligence in education
Artificial intelligence in education- Original Image Credit: Flickr

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education - How AI Technology will Change the Future of Education?

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence establishes relationships between companies and their customers in almost all areas of the market. From predictive analytics and data mining techniques to chatting, etc., artificial intelligence is providing a powerful tool for businesses to learn more about their customers.

We all know many modern techniques are currently used in learning processes.
What if these same technologies, which rely on artificial intelligence systems to help the human brain to learn more effectively, may appear at first?
This looks like science fiction novels, but in fact, it is the future of modern education.

Artificial intelligence has been applied successfully in several educational tools that help improve learning efficiency and teaching strategies and develop skills and testing systems.

In this article, we have discussed 10 effective roles of artificial intelligence in the education system, which will define and shape future educational experience.

Why Do We Need Artificial Intelligence in Our Classroom?

Class sizes are growing much faster than school budgets. This can limit individual interaction between students and teachers. Some experts argue that pressure on classroom resources may have led to low efficiency at present on topics such as mathematics.

The demand for cheap educational solutions that can supplement children's time in the classroom makes the Global Education Technology Market a paralyzed sector.

Interestingly, this sector, until recently, lacked the required development, prompting both start-ups and companies with many years in the industry to find no learning solutions based on the use of artificial intelligence to interact with students, where they excel and where they need improvement.

How AI Technology is making the education system more relevant?

Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze many data points that only the teacher can measure.
For example, let's look at a multi-choice math question and what we can learn by analyzing student interaction.

As teachers look at the child's outcome and mark, artificial intelligence systems can go deeper to learn more about where a student is struggling.

Artificial intelligence technologies can look at individual questions to determine whether the student is suffering from the general concept or perhaps there is confusion in the question of why the student is confused.

It is also sometimes important to know the wrong answers they have chosen in return for the answers they have been able to select correctly.

The question may be related to the order of operations, in which case artificial intelligence technologies can determine the step that is missing from the student and help them learn the right way.

Other data points, such as the speed with which a student answers questions, can help determine whether the student has mastered the subject or just an educated guess.

Artificial intelligence can also consider separately how other students of the same age and grade respond to a particular question and determine the utility of the question itself.

In some cases, the question may be low coordination, eventually leading to confusion. Artificial intelligence can also be used to interact with parents and students to alert them to problem areas.

Many data points can be collected for future analysis as new developments in learning science are undertaken.

Today, students have more access to electronic devices than ever before.
Companies benefit from this by creating advanced learning programs that facilitate learning by matching scientific research with advanced predictive analysis and artificial intelligence.

There are programs that offer many short tests for students on mobile devices that they must answer correctly before reaching their devices.
Their answers are analyzed and the difficulty of the questions is adjusted based on their abilities.

There are programs that allow teachers to create an online curriculum that students can access at any time.

Artificial intelligence technologies are used to identify gaps in knowledge and recommend any subject that a student should then study based on his abilities.

TrueShelf was created by a former faculty member of Princeton University based on an artificial intelligence engine that could create unlimited mathematical questions. These questions are analyzed by their artificial intelligence engine and a decision is made on the student's strengths and weaknesses.

How Artificial Intelligence will Reshape the Future of Education?

There are many applications of Artificial intelligence in education that help students and teachers get better educational experiences and reshape the future of the education industry. 

1. Artificial intelligence systems can adapt educational programs to students' needs.
From kindergarten to postgraduate, one of the main ways artificial intelligence will affect education is by applying higher levels of individual learning.
Some of this is already happening through an increasing number of adaptive learning programs, games, and software. 
These systems respond to students' needs, focusing more on specific topics, repeating things that students have not mastered, and generally helping students work at their own pace.

2. Artificial intelligence can automate basic activities in education, such as classification and grading.
In college, homework assignments and the tests of large lecture courses can be tedious, teachers often find that classifications take a lot of time, which can be used to interact with students, prepare for class, or work on professional development.

Using artificial intelligence techniques, it is now possible for teachers to perform automatic classification of all types of multiple tests.

3. Students can get additional help from artificial intelligence.
There maybe many important points that human teachers can provide and machines cannot do that, still, there are some special education programs based on artificial intelligence that can help students in basic math and writing and other subjects. 
These programs can teach students the basics, but so far they are not ideal to help students learn high-level thinking and creativity skills, something that real teachers still need to facilitate. 
However, this should not exclude the possibility that artificial intelligence teachers will be able to do these things in the future with the rapid pace of technical progress that has characterized the past few decades.

4. Programs based on artificial intelligence systems can provide useful comments to students and teachers.
The tasks of IQ-based software are not limited to helping teachers and students only prepare training courses customized according to their needs, but they can also, provide feedback to each other about the success of the course as a whole.

Some schools, especially those with online offerings, use artificial intelligence systems to monitor student progress and to alert professors when there is a problem with student performance.

5. Artificial Intelligence can help improve your coursework as much as possible.
Teachers may not always recognize gaps in their lectures and learning materials that can leave students confused about certain concepts.

Artificial intelligence systems provide a way to solve this problem.
When a large number of students find a wrong answer on homework, the system alerts the teacher and gives students a personalized message that provides hints to the correct answer.
This type of system helps fill gaps in the explanation that can occur in courses and helps to ensure that all students build the same conceptual foundations.
Instead of waiting for the teacher to hear, students get instant feedback to help them understand the concept and remind them how to do it correctly the next time.

6. Artificial intelligence will change systems of how information is found and interacted with.
We rarely notice that artificial intelligence technologies affect the information we see and find on a daily basis. 

Google displays user search results according to the location, Amazon offers recommendations based on previous purchases, Siri adapts to your needs and orders, and almost all web ads are geared towards your interests and shopping preferences.

These types of smart systems play a big role in how we interact with information in our personal and professional lives.

Over the past few decades, systems based on artificial intelligence radically changed how we interact with information and with newer and more integrated technology. 

In the future, students may have substantially different experiences in researching and finding facts compared to today's students.

7. Artificial intelligence systems can make learning through trial and error method less intimidating.
Trial and error method is an important part of learning, but for many students, the idea of ​​failure or even not knowing the answer is paralysis.
Some simply do not like to appear immediately in front of their peers or authority figures like a teacher.
The intelligent computer system, designed to help students learn.

Artificial intelligence can provide students with a way to learn in a relatively judgmental environment, especially when artificial intelligence teachers can offer solutions for improvement.

In fact, artificial intelligence systems are the ideal form to support this type of learning because artificial intelligence systems themselves often learn through trial and error. 

8. Artificial intelligence technologies can change the role of teachers.
There will always be a role for educators in the field of education, but this role and its consequences may be changed by the new technology in the form of intelligent computing systems.

As we have already discussed, artificial intelligence systems can take on tasks such as classification, can help students improve learning, and may even substitute for private lessons in the real world.
However, artificial intelligence can be adapted to many other aspects of teaching as well. But in most cases, artificial intelligence will turn the role of the teacher into a facilitator.

9. Data supported by artificial intelligence technologies can change how schools find, teach, and support students. 
Intelligent data collection, supported by intelligent computer systems, is already making changes to how colleges interact with potential and current students.
From recruitment to helping students choose the best courses, smart computer systems help make every part of the college experience more personalized to meet students' needs and goals.

Data extraction systems play a key role in the higher scene today, but artificial intelligence can lead to further change in higher education.
Initiatives are already underway in some schools to provide students with the training of artificial intelligence systems that can ease the transition between college and high school.

10. Artificial intelligence systems will change where students learn and acquire basic skills.
Although major changes may last for decades in the future, the reality is that artificial intelligence has the potential to change almost everything we take into consideration education. 

Using artificial intelligence systems, software, and support, students can learn from anywhere in the world at any time, and with these kinds of programs that take the place of certain kinds of classroom teaching, artificial intelligence systems may only replace teachers in some cases.  

The educational programs supported by artificial intelligence technologies help students to learn basic skills but as these programs grow and developers learn more, they are likely to offer students a much wider range of services.  

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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