Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI Scan: How MRI Works and What are the Uses of MRI Scan?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the medical imaging methods used in radiology to explain physiological processes and pathological changes taking place in living body tissues. MRI scanner relies on magnetic fields and radio waves to form pictures of the anatomy.
MRI scan is considered one of the types of examinations that are costly financially, and are not always available in many hospitals.
Magnetic resonance imaging scan
MRI machine - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan is one of the most advanced means of looking into the living human body.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI Scan: How MRI Works and What are the Uses of MRI Scan?

Why was the MRI Scan Developed?

The development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was the result of the continued curiosity of the human being that led to the technological advances that we have reached today. 

As time progresses and knowledge accumulates the man searches for additional means to explore and discover invisible objects. 
Human curiosity led to the development of x-ray imaging, the first way to look into the living human body.

However, there were several disadvantages to x-ray imaging such as the inability to see soft tissue, as well as the radiation that can cause cancer. 
This failure of x-ray imaging prompted researchers to look for additional ways to look inside the human body.

What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the most advanced means of looking into the living human body. 

MRI Scan is one of the best types of imaging that describes tissue and body fluids, as well as its use in radiotherapy-based treatment plans. 

One of the advantages of this technique is that it is not used for radiation that can cause damage (as in x-ray imaging). Therefore, it can be safely used in screening pregnant women, too.

X-Ray Imaging vs. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
X-ray imaging and magnetic resonance imaging, both are performed to examine the internal organs. The difference between these two tests is in the type of members that can be examined. 

X-rays form a picture of solid tissues in the body or bones, while MRI creates a picture of soft tissue, which is used mainly to photograph the brain, spine, and joints. 

MRI is used, for example, to examine whether there is a lumbar disc herniation in pregnancy or not. However, because of the high cost of this test, it is recommended that it be used only when there is no other effective way to diagnose the problem.

How MRI Scan Works?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) works by non-invasive body scans for medical diagnosis, brain research, psychology, psychiatry, biological research, and so on. 
This examination is particularly effective for imaging the central nervous system - the brain and spinal cord - and joints, such as the knee and shoulder. 

In the MRI images, only soft tissue is seen - not only the bone itself but only the bone marrow.
MRI scans can be done through the general radiography passing through a metal detector. 

In the MRI scan, a strong magnet, and radio waves are used, so that the magnet arranges hydrogen atoms in the body at one level, and then sends radio waves to the body, changing the direction of these atoms. 
When the radio waves are stopped, these atoms are re-integrated into one level. 
The computer measures the time it takes for these atoms to return to the same level and then uses this information to form the image.

A specialist in this field shows that the MRI device is a scan of the latest generation of imaging tools. This generation is based on image composition by changing magnetic fields.

This examination has no side effects and can give information of great importance for the purpose of follow-up treatment, enhanced diagnosis or denial diagnosis. 

This information is necessary and very valuable and therefore more than 90% of people undergoing MRI scan overcome uncomfortable sensations such as indoor pressure and others to make progress in diagnosis and treatment.

If you are sent for an MRI scan, do not be afraid. The examination can give information of great importance to continuing treatment and to promoting or denying a diagnosis of the problem.

MRI scan
MRI machine - How MRI scan Works?
How is the MRI Scan Performed?
MRI scans take about 20 to 30 minutes. During this test, the person is inserted into a large, powerful magnet that can reach a magnetic force 30,000 times higher than that of the Earth's field. 

By means of radio transmitters placed in the MRI chamber, the direction of the magnetic field can be changed at some point. 
The testers then stop the transmission and then release the body energy again that entered the form of a return transmission. 
Through the information transmitted and by advanced radio waves detectors, testers can build a picture that shows the dissection of the body and reveals abnormal processes within the body.

Analysis of the MRI Results

The main goal of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is to detect activation areas in the human brain, for example, which shows us that the areas of the brain are involved in a cognitive function but it does not reveal interdependencies between these areas.

The results of MRI scan are examined by a radiologist - a physician specialized in the analysis of medical images.  

MRI scan takes several days for the test results to be obtained because of the need to analyze the images accurately. 

On the other hand, when a hospital examination is conducted, the results are obtained within a short period of time.

The examination report contains the names of the various members that have been examined and, along with each member, indicate whether they have satisfactory signs or not.
After receiving the results, you should go to a doctor to determine how to continue treatment, according to the results.

Does an MRI Machine make a noise?

Yes, during the MRI scan, there is a loud noise, like the repetition of metals every few seconds. 
Noise emanates from changes in magnetic fields from broadcast mode to listening mode. 
Noise can be overcome by headphones that transmit music and ease the patient during the examination.

What happens if you move during an MRI scan?
Theoretically, if you move suddenly and dramatically, as in the case of coughing, for example, this movement clogs part of the examination and then the examiners may need to re-photograph the part in which the confusion occurred and therefore, the test will take a little longer.

Routine light movements such as breathing and heartbeats are movements that are taken into account by examiners and therefore do not confuse examination.

Who is not allowed to do an MRI scan?
People with pacemakers are not advised to undergo MRI scan, because the examination can interfere with the pacemakers and those who have injured and have fragments in the body. 

Doctors do not recommend undergoing magnetic resonance imaging because the fragments interact with the magnetic field and move towards it.

To avoid situations where an inappropriate person is subject to this screening, before each examination, each person receives a questionnaire that contains questions that examine their appropriateness.

What are the Uses of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI Scan)?

The development of Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan) is a huge milestone for the medical world.  
Using this non-invasive tool, scientists, researchers and doctors are now able to examine the inner part of the human body in high detail.

MRI scan is used to diagnose a variety of conditions, such as imaging of arteries and veins, or imaging of neurological changes occurring in the brain. 

MRI scan is particularly effective for imaging of the brain, spine, and joints. This can be done in people with problems with these organs. 
In addition, this examination can be used to depict the heart, liver and other internal organs when needed. 

People who feel uncomfortable and confined in the indoor environment should be advised to take sedative medication before undergoing this examination because of the quality of the examination that requires lying on a bed inserted in a place like a cave (the magnet itself). 

MRI scans are very useful for examining multiple sclerosis, meniscus, spinal cord, the brain, disc herniation and so on.

There are many diseases and conditions that require the use of MRI. The following are examples of which the MRI scanner will be used:
  • Breast cancer screening for women who experience a high risk of breast cancer.
  • Suspected brain injury, such as hemorrhage or brain tumor.
  • Cysts, and other anomalies in different parts of the body.
  • Anomalies of the spinal cord and the brain.
  • Abnormalities or injuries of the joints, such as knee and the back.
  • Diseases of the liver and other abdominal organs.
  • Diseases of the nervous system such multiple myeloma
  • Various types of heart problems and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Suspected uterine anomalies and disc herniation in women undergoing evaluation for infertility
  • The evaluation of pelvic pain in women such as endometriosis and fibroids.
This list does not include all the conditions in which MRI scans are used. MRI technology is always expanding its scope and usage.

One of the most important advantages of an MRI scan is that it is a non- invasive tool, which cannot cause the emergence of mutations and cancerous tumors. 
The main drawback of this method is the inability to use it to examine people who use a metal pacemaker or metal parts in their bodies because of the use of a very strong magnet. 

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