Intelligence in Psychology -Types and Characteristics - Know What Kind of Intelligence You Have

Human intelligence is a mental quality that consists of the ability to think, to learn from experience, to apply knowledge, to solve problems, and to adapt to new situations.
Intelligence includes the ability to learn from experience, act purposefully, solve problems, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate one’s environment.

Howard Gardener, an American developmental psychologist, has described 9 types of intelligence:
1. Naturalist Intelligence.
2. Musical Intelligence.
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.
4. Existential Intelligence.
5. Interpersonal Intelligence.
6. Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence.
7. Linguistic Intelligence.
8. Intra-personal Intelligence.
9. Spatial Intelligence.
Know What Kind of Intelligence You Have.
Intelligence in psychology
Intelligence in psychology

Intelligence in Psychology: Types and Characteristics - Know What Kind of Intelligence You Have

Definition of Intelligence

The concept of intelligence differs from one person to another.
 Each psychologist has a point of view in his definition of intelligence but definitions can be collected that intelligence is the ability to understand, to innovate, to learn, to collect, to think abstractly. 

Intelligence is a speed of understanding and speed in the intuitive, intellectual and cognitive activity carried out by the mind.

The concept of intelligence is an old concept. Philosophers rely on the method of observation in interpreting intelligence. They follow the method of self-introspection during the thinking processes or other mental activities.

The theories and ideas, which philosophers reached only by observation, can only be adopted and approved by subjecting them to scientific and experimental methods of study.

Intelligence maybe referred to other aspects, such as social, linguistic, and athletic intelligence.
Each person is characterized by one or more types of intelligence.

What is Intelligence in Psychology?

In psychology, intelligence is a mental quality that includes the ability to think, learn from experience, adapt to new situations, apply knowledge and solve challenges and problems.

Intelligence is a kinetic sensory process with multiple and continuous capabilities that is activated and functioning after enhancing the genetic factor and predisposition with appropriate external stimuli.

Intelligence is one of the qualities that distinguish people from each other and make one more successful than the other.
Everyone wants to be intelligent to achieve what he wants.

It is not necessary for intelligence to be linked to academic or systematic achievement as it is known to some psychologists.

Characteristics of Intelligence

Intelligence grows during the first five years of the child's life rapidly, and then stops at the age of sixteen to eighteen to twenty.
Intelligence may stop at this age and remain constant, and may increase with the activity of the intellectual person, and may decrease with progress in time if a person stops learning, and does not practice intellectual activities.

Intelligence is influenced by genetic factors. When the parents are intelligent, the IQ of the child is increased. But this is also affected by the surrounding environment; the environment that encourages intelligence must be provided.

Intelligence is not one of the instinctive habits in man. Some believe that intelligence is learning and learning is instinctive, but the concept of intelligence is broad and learning is part of it.

Development and change is accepted in intelligence when appropriate activities are available.

The characteristics of intelligence may include:

✰ Intelligence is the capacity of a human being or the power of the human brain.
✰ Intelligence is a group of multiple forces in the overall form of truth.
✰ Intelligence is the power of good responses from the point of truth.
✰ Intelligence is the ability to adapt and adjust to a new situation.
✰ Intelligence is the ability of abstract thinking and problem-solving.
✰ Intelligence means all-round mental efficiency and includes all the qualities in the mental development of an individual.
✰ Intelligence is the ability to learn from past experiences and use past experiences profitably.
✰ Intelligence is one of the factors contributing to an individual's achievement, adjustment, and character-building but it is not a guarantee against abnormal behavior, backwardness, and delinquency.
✰ Intelligence is not knowledge, despite the fact that the acquisition of knowledge depends to a large extent on intelligence.

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Do you know yourself? How far do you know it?
Can you describe yourself as intelligent?
Well, if you think you're smart, do you realize your intelligence?

These are questions that concern every one of us, especially the parents because they are worried when they find that their children are different in terms of intelligence, educational attainment, and grades.
They make a lot of mistakes when they call someone stupid and describe others as intelligent, but why?

It is often thought that intelligence is one type - an intellectual intelligence that relies entirely on strong memory, concentration, and the ability to memorize and study for long periods of time.
However, the good news is that there is not one kind of intelligence, but rather a species.

In other words, the human being is the most intelligent and wise among all living beings but there is really no competition in this world in terms of intelligence. Everyone has his own field of intelligence. Yes, his intelligence may differ.

So we like to reassure the parents and comfort them that their children are not stupid, and at the same time encourage them to know the type and shape of the intelligence of their children, by knowing the types of intelligence.

After reading this article, my reader will be able to classify the kind of intelligence you have and your children or partner

So you can help yourself to choose the form of education that suits you or suits your loved one, gives you and gives them the largest amount of information with minimal effort. 
The measure of your IQ is up to experience, science, culture, society, environment, circumstances, and genetics.

How Many Types of Intelligence are There?

Types of Intelligence
How many types of intelligence are there?

Types of Intelligence

The natural mind of man possesses different kinds of intelligence, but there is a certain type that dominates the rest, which shows talent with it.

Dr. Howard Gardner divided the intelligence into 9 types, identifying the characteristics of each species and this was the most successful in dividing intelligence:

1. Naturalistic intelligence: 
Naturalistic intelligence is the coexistence and adaptation to the natural environment, and the identification of different natural varieties.

A naturalist can be anyone who has the ability to discriminate among living things as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world.

For example, a scientist who specializes in studying nature, a biologist whose interest lies primarily in the study of plants or animals and even a child who is always collecting butterflies and leaves and has the ability to discriminate between them.

2. Linguistic Intelligence: 
Linguistic (word smart) is the ability to learn languages, whether spoken or written and to use them in self-expression and in addressing any communication with others.

Linguistic intelligence allows you to understand the meaning of words and apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on your use of language.
This is characteristic of writers and poets.

3. Logical-mathematical intelligence:
Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart) contains logical analysis and problem-solving, scientific research, reasoning, deduction, and criticism.

The person who has logical-mathematical intelligence is smart at dealing with math and logical problems and he always enjoys solving puzzles and reading scientific discoveries and he wants to know how things work with computers and other devices in general.

Logical-mathematical intelligence is characterized by mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and detectives.

4. Musical Intelligence:
 Musical intelligence is the ability to recognize, distinguish and simulate tones, sounds, music, and rhythms, pitch, and timbre.

Musical intelligence enables you to create, reproduce, and reflect on music.

Musical intelligence is demonstrated by musicians, vocalists, composers, conductors, and sensitive listeners.

5. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence:
Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart) is the ability to coordinate and harmonize the movements of the body in order to achieve certain goals.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence involves the perfection of skills and a sense of timing through the mind-body union.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is characteristic of dancers, athletes, surgeons, and craftspeople.

6. Interpersonal Intelligence:
Interpersonal Intelligence involves the ability to mix and interact with others, work with them, influence them, understand their desires and motivations,

Interpersonal Intelligence, also known as emotional intelligence (EI), emotional quotient (EQ), and emotional leadership (EL), is the intelligence that deals with human beings with different characteristics and qualities.

This kind of intelligence is spread among people actively, is keen to understand different types, and has the ability to understand the psychological situations of many people without speaking, and is accepted by many people of different nature, because of emotional equivalence, and the ability to absorb different views, without losing any of the different parties.

Interpersonal intelligent is very active in business and group games, as well as the things that require leading people in a large project.

Interpersonal intelligence is usually characterized by leaders, teachers, mentors, and sales representatives.

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: 
Intrapersonal Intelligence involves understanding oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings and recognizing oneself fully from motives, goals, and aspirations and using such knowledge in planning and directing one’s life and drawing an effective model of self character.
An intra-personal intelligent person has the ability to develop oneself.

Intra-personal intelligence is evident in psychologists, philosophers, and spiritual leaders.

8. Spatial intelligence:
Spatial intelligence is the perception of spaces and regions and the ability to estimate the size of space and shapes and the ability to comprehend three-dimensional images.

Core abilities of spatial intelligent people may include:
  • Spatial reasoning
  • Mental imagery
  • Active imagination
  • Image manipulation
  • Graphic and artistic skills
  • Active imagination
Painters, architects, pilots, sailors, and sculptors all exhibit spatial intelligence.

9. Existential intelligence:
Existential intelligence is the sensitivity and ability to deal with deep questions about human existence and the capacity to use collective values and intuition to understand others and the world around them, such as the meaning of life, why we die, etc.

The Difference between Brain Functions and Intelligence

 The function of the brain as it relates to aging is memory and concentration, not intelligence.
In fact, intelligence is not necessarily an important factor in maintaining effective brain function.
There are differences in intelligence between men and women.
Men use their brains faster to act and deal with problems.
Women have a better ability to analyze complex topics.


The theory of multiple intelligences expanded the educational outlook of students and has an impact and hustle in educational circles.

In this article, I have discussed some scientific research methods in order to intelligence is more in the person because you know that everyone has a dissonant part of all these types.

I have been interested in the subject, so I have tried the tests several times, and every time I got a different result because the choices of each test put you in a certain position.
My point of view is that these tests do not have the ability to determine the quality of intelligence you have because you can often guess that the answer will get you to a certain result - you might like to be your outcome.

I can say that these tests may give you an overview of each intelligence. The choices in the questions show an application for each of the nine kinds of intelligence.

In the end, for scientific purposes, this intelligence must be measured by several tools, such as psychometric test by Mercer | Mettl, direct observations, projects or practical applications, and observing the impact of the surrounding environment. 
After that, it is possible to develop a "principled" perception of the type of intelligence that dominates the person, which helps improve the quality of the education.

The Scientific World

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