Top 10 Active Learning Strategies for Effective Classroom Management

Active learning strategy is very important for everyone to improve the level of learning and increase the motivation towards learning.
The application of an active learning strategy is not only to change or add fun to the classroom environment, but the main purpose is to help the student to accept and learn new knowledge.
In this article, we will discuss some creative learning activities and active learning strategies that can be applied in the classroom. These learning strategies aim to enhance the creative skills and higher thinking skills of students during the course.
Active Learning Strategies
Active learning strategies for super engaged corporate learners

Top 10 Active Learning Strategies for Effective Classroom Management


Active learning strategy is very important for everyone to improve the level of learning among students and increase their motivation towards learning. 
The application of active learning strategy is not only to change or add fun to the atmosphere of the classroom, but the main objective is to help the student to accept and learn knowledge in a way that increases the impact of survival and not to forget the information as long as possible. 
This has led to the emergence of many different strategies and teaching methods that promote and underpin this approach.

What is Active Learning?

Active learning is a form of learning and an approach to instruction where teaching attempts to involve students more directly in the learning process than other traditional methods.
Active learning involves actively engaging students with the subject through case studies, role-plays, discussions, problem-solving, and other modern techniques. 
Active learning demands students to start meaningful learning activities in the classroom and think about what they should do and what they are doing.

The Benefits of Active Learning

Active learning contributes to a more favorable attitude toward learning.
Active learning creates more student interest and motivation than a traditional lecture.
Active learning creates a personal connection to the content for students, increasing their motivation to learn.
Active learning creates opportunities for differentiated instruction.
Active learning creates a sense of community in the classroom through increased instructor-student and student-student interaction.
Active learning promotes the development of student skills in critical thinking.
Active learning promotes greater academic achievement that students learn to think about a topic/subject.
Active learning involves students in learning activities rather than passive listening.
Active learning provides students with the opportunity to think, talk and process course material.
Active learning provides more frequent and immediate feedback to students.
Active learning allows students to practice important skills, such as collaboration, through group work and pairing.
Active learning addresses various student learning styles and emphasizes student-centered learning.
Active learning increases personal accountability and improves the retrieval of information.
Active learning places more emphasis on the teacher becoming a designer and a facilitator of learning experiences rather than an importer of knowledge.
Active learning develops expertise in collaborative learning and teamwork.
Active learning builds self-esteem through interactions with other students.
Active learning reinforces important content, concepts, and skills. 

Top 10 Active Learning Strategies for Engaged Corporate Learners

Here are the 10 most important active learning strategies and creative learning ideas that you can implement in your classroom to help students focus on themselves and improve their engagement in the course material so that they are ready, willing and able to learn.
The most important active learning strategies may include the following:

1. E-Learning Strategy
E-Learning is an educational system based on interactive information and communication technologies (ICTs) (Internet, computers, TV channels, e-mail, teleconferencing…).
E-Learning provides educational or training programs to students or trainees anywhere and anytime, using an asynchronous method or synchronous technique”. It is more than just a learner working on a computer, tablet or smartphone. 
E-learning is the delivery of information to the learner through the use of electronic media. This process may be simple, such as using electronic means to assist in the delivery of lessons, displaying information in traditional classrooms. 
Computer or interactive television techniques can also be used to build virtual classrooms. 

Interactive distance learning techniques have a key role in reshaping the role of the learner and the teacher. This is demonstrated by the use of computer technologies in the management or selection of learning. 
E-learning is not a substitute for the teacher, but rather enhances the role of the teacher as a mentor and supervisor in the learning process.
Cheap paper writing is also another key element in distance learning. Students can benefit from the use of online resources to facilitate their paper writing process.

Web-based collaborative learning is an educational situation in which learners are distributed into small or large groups of learners working together to achieve specific and common goals by addressing topics accompanied by activities and e-tests by interacting together through a designed educational site.
Therefore, using synchronous and asynchronous communication tools available via the Internet is done in accordance with specific instructions and procedures and under the supervision, guidance, and follow-up of the teacher.

Web-based collaboration between students is via the Internet through simultaneous communication using text, voice and image conferences and remote discussions, or asynchronous communication using e-mail, newsletters, forums, file transfers, web pages, and service lists. 
Collaborative e-learning via the web is a strategy that helps learners learn together and work together.

2. Problem-solving strategy 
Problem-solving strategy is scientific thinking and it is adopted to inform concerned learners and instigate their thinking about a problem (appropriate to their level, relevant to the subject of the lesson, and their livelihood).
The problem cannot be solved easily, but to solve problems it is necessary to find and discover the essential facts.
The broad outlines of this strategy can be summarized in:

- It identifies and formulates the problem.
- It analyzes the causes and factors.
- It suggests solutions.
- Implementation.

3. Discovery Learning Strategy
Discovery learning is an inquiry-based instructional approach that occurs in problem-solving situations. 
Through this strategy, students engage with their learning environment by wrestling with questions and differences, exploring and manipulating things and conducting experiments.
Discovery learning requires the use of logical thinking (inductive or deductive) and encourages critical mental thinking away from myths and axioms, addressing the higher mental levels such as analysis and synthesis.
This strategy seeks to put the learner at the heart of the educational process and increase motivation.
The main objectives of discovery learning strategy are:

- Make lessons more fun and engaging.
- Develop the skills of information analysis, installation, and evaluation.
- Get used to teamwork and information sharing.
- Examine the steps of research and the experimental approach.

4. Learning Resource Packages
Learning packages in education are educational units that guide the learner's activity by adopting self-learning and providing opportunities for individual learning.

Learning packages include a variety of educational and cognitive materials that take into account individual differences, reinforced by pre-and post-tests, and various educational activities and means that help to improve the curriculum.
Overall, the learning resource packages are characterized by:

- A guide with sufficient information on the educational portfolio and its components and objectives.
- Taking into account individual differences.
- The availability of multiple educational materials.
- Attention to feedback and reinforcement.
- Enhance the self-confidence of learners (away from the fear of failure or feeling of inferiority).
- Diversity of calendar methods and times.
- Adopting the method of self-learning individual.
- Target the level of mastery in learning.

As for the components of the learning resource packages, they vary according to the educational situation, but they do not often depart from the three main pillars: guide, teaching activities and evaluation.

5. Game-based Learning Strategy
Game-based learning can be defined as an activity directed to the development of learners' physical, emotional and mental abilities, through the use of activities, fun, and entertainment as educational tools in the acquisition of knowledge and the convergence of concepts and stimulate communication.
The most effective educational games are:

- Motor Games.
- Models dolls.
- IQ Games.
- Role-plays

6. Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
Reciprocal teaching is an educational activity that is particularly interested in the study of reading texts (reading, understanding, and analysis), based on mutual dialogue between students and the teacher or between students with each other.
Reciprocal teaching strategy also depends on:

- Attention to thinking and mental processes.
- Linking new students' information with their tribal gains.
- Observation, planning, and evaluation.
The strategy of interactive teaching is as follows:
- Summary.
- Generate questions.
- Illustration.

This can be detailed in the following steps:

- Split student groups.
- The distribution of roles according to the task required of each learner (summary, generate questions, clarification)
- Set a leader for each group.
- Distribute text or reading pieces to groups.
- Engage in interactive dialogue within groups and each individual to perform their task.
- Give learners enough time to read silently and then write down ideas to help build the summary.
- Follow the work of each group on an instant and continuous basis and provide support and assistance when necessary.
- View results.

7. Concept Mapping Learning Strategy
Concept mapping is a teaching strategy that employs shapes, lines, images, arrows, colors, and language (words) to represent knowledge and present information. They can be invested in deepening understanding, summarizing information and inferring relationships between concepts.

Infographics are good examples of concept mapping learning strategies. Infographics activity is based on the task of the student to convert the text into a graphic illustration. 
In this activity, the student converts the text information into an illustrative image. This is done after discussing the text with peers and a deep understanding of the readable content so that it can turn the content into expressive images.
The main objectives of concept mapping strategy include:

- Simplify and organize information.
- Find the relationship between concepts.
- Facilitate information retrieval.
- Facilitate the recall of knowledge and information.
- Link new concepts with previous gains.

8. Modeling as an instructional strategy
Modeling is not intended to create models by the teacher to clarify the knowledge, but to entrust the student to create models that illustrate the knowledge learned and the relationships between them according to their abilities and capabilities.
This is done under the supervision of the teacher and during the lesson as a final project or step-by-step activity, according to what the teacher deems appropriate in order to confirm the information.

Modeling learning strategy is generally an illustrative method of teaching based on the use of experiments, methods, and techniques.
For example: learning to write and calligraphy and learn ablution and some practical scientific applications such as anatomy and electricity.
This method reinforces the student's innovative thinking and comparative and linking skills as this activity raises questions and peer discussions to reach the desired and appropriate model.

9. Project-Based Learning Strategies
Digital projects are one of the main pillars of computer courses. There is hardly a unit without practical training that requires the actual application of the study content such as programming projects, databases, robots, and others.
However, it is sometimes desirable to change the creative training methods and innovative training ideas and raise the level of outputs through the diversification of methods and strategies of subtraction and evaluation, such as the application of strategies for peer assessment, digital questionnaire, project-based learning, etc. For example:

Training workshops: Training workshop is one of the strongest means that strengthen the personality of the student and enhance his computer and behavioral skills.

Promotional Campaign: Through this activity, students 'soft skills such as cooperation, attitudes, problem-solving, effective communication, etc. are promoted.

Students show what they have learned to their classmates and are keen on the quality of the presentation to rely on the evaluation and opinions of others. This enhances the student's acceptance of opinion and criticism.
Peer evaluation is based on a digital or paper questionnaire.
These are the main steps to implement this strategy:

- Project Selection: This is a key step to reach the expected objectives of the activity.

- Planning: Learners develop the appropriate plan of action, and the teacher guides them and helps them to reach their goals.

- Implementation: Move from the planning stage and proposals to action.

- Evaluation: Determine the extent of the implementation of the project.

10. Linking Classroom Knowledge to the Real World
In making a real-world connection, the student is required to link the knowledge information learned in the class by mentioning similar examples in real life in order to enhance the skills of analysis, linking and synthesis.

In linking classroom exercises to real-life practice, the student is asked to collaborate with his peers to write an article criticizing unsuccessful experiences of purchasing a product from a website after studying the eServices Unit and knowing the most important points that should be taken into account when purchasing products from the websites.
This activity enhances critical thinking skills based on the realistic student experience.


No matter how different modern learning strategies are, the quality, nature, purpose, content, and level of learners, the specificity of each classroom environment remains the determinant of any strategy we use. This is, of course, up to the learner as long as he is more familiar with the requirements of his class.

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