How Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are Transforming Healthcare Industry?

Modern healthcare systems can cure some life-threatening illnesses and treat more diseases than ever before. Modern healthcare trends and technology bring innovation to old treatments. 
The use of artificial intelligence and robotics in healthcare indicates the advancement in healthcare technology. The growing use of AI and robotics technologies in healthcare will have a major impact on healthcare services worldwide. 
In this process, complex algorithms and software are used to simulate human perception and analyze complicated medical data. 
The basic objective of health-related AI applications is to identify the relationship between patient outcomes and prevention strategies or treatment techniques.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Applications of artificial intelligence - AI in healthcare

How Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are Transforming the Healthcare Industry?

Artificial Intelligence - AI in Healthcare

It may be difficult for humans to analyze complex medical data, but for artificial intelligence and robot, it is not. Artificial intelligence has become widely used in the medical field by using software to improve and develop human knowledge in the analysis of complex medical data. 

There are many uses of artificial intelligence in healthcare. For example, it is used in the modernization and development of medicines and treatments, but also in the process of examination and knowledge and detection of various diseases. 
AI is used to maintain patient safety by monitoring their health and care and is also used to develop good systems and protocols for the treatment of patients. 

There are many international medical centers that have developed many artificial intelligence algorithms for their facilities, recognizing the importance of the use of artificial intelligence in medicine, and the solutions it can offer to many health problems. 

People who worry about artificial intelligence and robots taking over businesses have nothing to fear because the entry of artificial intelligence into health care does not mean the creation of machines against the human mind. 
The purpose of having AI in the detection room is to expand the perception, motivate and sometimes ease the burden on doctors' minds so that each one can take good care of their patients, 

Let's imagine a future in which AI is a firm part of the patient care team. First, we need to better understand how to compare artificial intelligence with human doctors. 
How do we compare in terms of accuracy? What specific or unique contributions does AI make? In what way will AI be very useful? Or can it be harmful in the practice of medicine?

Can artificial intelligence replace doctors in the hospital or can it make doctors better?

Artificial intelligence can be better than humans in predicting health events before they occur. Artificial intelligence self-learning algorithms can predict 7.6% more cardiovascular events in patients than current standards of care. 

Although we are still in the early stages of its development, AI is already as capable as human doctors, if not more capable, in diagnosing patients. 
Researchers at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England, have developed a system of diagnosis using artificial intelligence that is more accurate than physicians' diagnosis of heart disease, in at least 80% of cases. 

At Harvard, researchers devised an "intelligent" microscope that can detect potentially fatal blood infections. The tool was trained with the help of artificial intelligence on a series of 100,000 images collected from 25,000 dyed slides to make bacteria clearer. 

According to a study, a new computer-assisted endoscope system can detect possible cancer growth in the colon with a sensitivity of 94 % and a specialized rate of 79%. In some cases, researchers have also found that artificial intelligence can outperform human doctors in diagnostic challenges that require a quick decision, such as determining whether a cancerous lesion is in a cell. 

Rapid diagnosis of patients can make a difference between life and death. Perhaps the most useful artificial intelligence to come up with a certain value is from those vast amounts of data that could sweep humans. This is essentially what is needed in this growing area of medical scrutiny. 
When it comes to health care, artificial intelligence does not necessarily replace physicians but, to the extent that it achieves optimal performance, maximizes efforts and improves their abilities.

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Healthcare Industry?

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Artificial intelligence allows healthcare systems to provide more and better care to more people and increases productivity and the efficiency of care delivery.

What is the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?

There are enthusiasm and anticipation among companies, governments as well as the public sectors to what role AI technologies will play in everyday life in the near future.

Everyone is constantly competing in the race to expand the use and acquisition of intelligent machine-based technologies in various fields at a time when some may question the real viability of this fast-paced technological change in our world. 

Economically, this race seems justified and logical. The study report indicates that AI technologies are currently growing in the world in their contribution to global economies. But the expected economic return is also supported by an ambitious vision of what this transformation artificial intelligence can contribute to social welfare and improve human life at all levels. 

Health care and the practice of medicine are one of those areas that await large-scale pivotal changes with these new technologies, although to date most of them are still under research and development.

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnosis
The field of diagnostic radiology and medical imaging has a long history of using the latest technology in the fields of computing and digital image processing. This explains why this field is one of the fastest-growing and most aspirational for the AI paradigm shift. 

Multiple research groups around the world have already used automated image processing applications to increase diagnostic efficiency more rapidly by analyzing CT images of large numbers of patients.

According to the American Cancer Society, a high percentage of mammograms give the wrong results, leading to 1 in 2 healthy women being told to have cancer. 
The use of artificial intelligence enables mammograms to be reviewed and translated 30 times faster by 99% accuracy, reducing the need for unnecessary biopsies. 

The proliferation of consumer wearable devices and other medical devices along with artificial intelligence are also applied to supervise heart disease at an early stage, enabling doctors and other caregivers to better monitor for life-threatening seizures in early and more treatable stages.

Research in this area is currently paying particular attention to the possibility of using artificial intelligence and deep learning technology to overcome the two biggest challenges facing the field of diagnostic radiology in the world: providing a reliable means that can promptly review tests upon completion and alert physicians to tests requiring urgent review or emergency medical intervention;
Helping doctors review medical reports again to avoid typographical and spelling errors.

AI-Powered Doctor Phone Apps for Medical Monitoring
Around 19.5 million children worldwide suffer from impaired vision, but the largest proportion of them must receive effective and timely treatment in order to lead normal lives if they receive treatment.
Children in different parts of the world, especially in remote and isolated areas, should undergo preliminary screening during the early years. 

Multiple companies and hospitals are collaborating in developing an application based on deep learning and artificial intelligence to track the vision patterns using a smartphone camera and use it to reach an initial diagnosis of vision problems. 

One of the biggest potential benefits of AI is helping people stay healthy so they don't need a doctor, or at least not as much. 
The use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) in consumer health applications are already helping people. 
The use of technology and applications encourages healthy behavior in individuals and helps in the proactive management of a healthy lifestyle. It puts consumers in control of their health. 
In addition, artificial intelligence increases the ability of healthcare professionals to better understand the daily patterns and needs of people they care about and based on that understanding they are able to provide feedback, guidance, and support to stay healthy. 

Data collection for the deep learning system is now taking place in hospitals, followed by the creation of valid prototypes for testing, which may occur over the next year and target some remote areas far from the health service. 
Improving care requires matching big health data with timely and appropriate decisions. 

Predictive analyzes can support clinical decision-making and action as well as prioritize management tasks. 
Using pattern recognition to identify patients at risk of developing a condition - or seeing it deteriorate due to lifestyle, environmental, genomic, or other factors - is another area where artificial intelligence begins to dominate in health care.

AI-Assisted Patient Safety Management
Many countries suffer from a shortage of physicians, with an increasing number of tasks and a growing health awareness reflected in the number of patients who want to see a doctor. 
This crisis has increased after densely populated countries have struggled with the same problem. 
Whether these contributions come in the form of robotic surgical arms that are already being used in some minimally invasive surgeries or in the form of spontaneous reporting with all the details of therapeutic procedures and doctor interviews. 
The involvement of AI technologies in saving time and effort wasted on secondary tasks saves time for physicians to provide direct and effective health care to patients.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence has received a great deal of attention in healthcare and medicine, where it has been used a lot, especially in the field of radiation. 
This medical field requires a high degree of accuracy to obtain sound results, which may not be successful doctors and radiologists, so rely on artificial intelligence for accurate and correct results. 

There are many famous technology companies that have contributed significantly to the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare. For example, Microsoft's Hanover project, which is based on an analysis of medical research to predict the most effective cancer treatment options for patients.

IBM is also working with many other centers and companies to develop and use artificial intelligence in medicine.

Global has created Google DeepMind in healthcare, which is used in many different medical and health services. 

By: Mahtab Alam Quddusi

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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