The Importance of Water in Human Life - How Much Water Should You Drink Daily?

Our body is composed of about 60% water. Our body uses water in all its organs, cells, and tissues to help maintain body temperature and other bodily functions. Because our body loses water through digestion, circulation, absorption, sweating, breathing, the creation of saliva, and transportation of nutrients. It is important to hydrate by drinking liquids and eating foods that contain water. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of water in human life. So, let's get started!

What is the Importance of Water in Human Life and How Much Water Should You Drink Daily?

Importance of Water
The importance of water in our life


Water is one of the most important basic elements on which the planet Earth is based, as it constitutes 71% of the land area. Water is a chemical compound consisting of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, and it is a transparent liquid that has no taste, color, or smell.
Water exists in three states: solid (ice), liquid, or gas (vapor).

Liquid State: It is in the form of oceans, rivers, seas, and lakes, springs, and rain, and it is the most common state on the surface of the earth where the liquid state is responsible for the vital processes within living organisms.

Solid State:  It is in the form of snow and ice surfaces.

Gaseous State: It is like the water vapor present in the atmosphere that causes thermal phenomena.

Natural Water Cycle

The water cycle can be defined as the continuous movement of water between the surface of the earth and the air, during which water is converted from the liquid state to gas, and then the water returns to the liquid.

Stages of the Water Cycle

Evaporation: Evaporation is the primary process by which water changes its state from a liquid to a gas or vapor. In this process,  water is absorbed from the ocean and the running rivers for the sun's heat, so the evaporation process occurs.

Condensation: Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is converted into liquid water. The condensation process is important to the water cycle because it forms clouds and then the water falls to the ground in the form of droplets and rain.

Sublimation: Sublimation is a specialized change of state when the solid-state is converted directly to the gaseous state, without going to an intermediate liquid state.

Precipitation: Precipitation is an important stage of the water cycle, in which water is released from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, snow, sleet or hail. Precipitation is responsible for the distribution of water in the atmosphere and the accumulation of fresh-water on Earth.

Transpiration: Transpiration is the process of water movement through minute pores or stomata, leaves, stems and flowers of plants. Water is essential for plants but small amounts of water taken from the roots are used for growth and metabolism.

Infiltration: Infiltration refers to the process by which precipitation or water flows into subsurface soils and moves into rocks through pore spaces and cracks.

Surface runoff: Surface runoff is a major component of the water cycle. It is water from ice water, stormwater, rain or other sources, which flows over the surface of the Earth.

Importance of Water

Water has great importance in the life of everything on earth so that living things can live, you cannot do without water. The importance of water lies in the following aspects:

The Importance of Water to Human Health

Water is very important for human health, and the most important functions of water for human health include:

⇨Water protects the heart from heart attacks, as drinking too much water increases blood flow, so it works as an anticoagulant.
⇨Water protects from heart arteries, as heart arteries arise from the accumulation of fat in the arteries, and hinder the flow of blood through them, and here comes the role of drinking water that works to lower the level of cholesterol.
⇨Water prevents urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and gallbladder deposits, where low drinking water causes many disorders of the urinary system.
⇨Water prevents colon cancer, as maintaining drinking water regularly reduces the risk of colon cancer by 45%.
⇨Water controls the feeling of hunger and losing weight, as drinking water before meals helps in controlling the feeling of hunger, as it works to fill the stomach, and reduces tendencies towards food, which leads to increased fatigue.
⇨Water helps flush toxins out of the body in two ways: sweat and urine. Drinking enough amounts of water works to dissolve salts and minerals in the urine and rid the body of toxins.
⇨Water relieves fatigue when there is a small amount of water in the body, this reduces the volume of blood, so the heart needs to work harder to pump blood, leading to feelings of fatigue and fatigue is the first symptom of dehydration.
⇨Water helps digestion and treat constipation. Drinking plenty of water helps to boost metabolic processes inside the body, which contributes to improving the work of the digestive system facilitating bowel movements.
⇨Water regulates the body temperature, works to reduce the body temperature when temperatures rise or during physical exertion.
⇨Water prevents bad breath, as if the mouth remains moist, it helps to get rid of suspended food and bacteria in the mouth.
⇨Water maintains healthy skin since water is considered the basis of beauty, so drinking sufficient quantities of water contributes to the regeneration of skin tissue and the preservation of skin and moisture.

The importance of water is not limited to a person in helping him perform his vital operations in his body, but water is used to manage many other aspects of his life. 
You may also want to practice drinking hydrogen water to reduce inflammation, improve athletic performance, and even slow the aging process. A person needs water to clean, take a shower, to prepare food, and to get rid of waste and dirt.

What are the Consequences of Not Drinking Enough Water?

Not drinking enough water can cause many damages to the human body, including:
Kidney damage, as dehydration can lead to kidney failure, which can be life-threatening.
Increased blood pressure and the lack of water in the body makes the blood denser and thicker.
Exposure to many problems in the digestive system, such as an increased risk of stomach ulcers, constipation, as well as heartburn. 
Increased worsening of asthma and allergies, because the body narrows the airways due to dehydration, to reduce the amount of water the body loses.
Feeling pain in the joints, as the cartilage in the joints, is 80% water, so exposure to dehydration for long periods can reduce the ability of the joints to absorb shocks.
Increased risk of skin exposure to many problems and disorders, and the appearance of wrinkles prematurely.
Having problems with the brain, because dehydration negatively affects the structure and functions of the brain and prolonged droughts may reduce the ability to think and deduce.

How Much Water Should We Drink Per Day?

Nobody can tell you exactly how much water you should drink, this depends on the individual. Try an experiment to see what is best for you. Every day, the body loses some water by breathing, sweating, urinating and defecating. 
In order for the body to function optimally, you must compensate for the lack of water supply by consuming drinks and foods containing water.

The Institute of Medicine in America has determined that a sufficient quantity for men is about 13 cups (3 liters) of total drinks per day. An adequate quantity for women is estimated at 9 cups (2.2 liters) of total drinks per day.

You've probably heard of the 8x8 rule. This rule states that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. This is equivalent to about 1.9 liters, and this amount does not differ from the amount recommended by the Institute of Medicine.

Although there is no strong evidence to support the "8x8 rule", this rule remains popular because it is easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be reworded: "Drink 8 cups of 8 ounces of fluid per day," since all fluids are counted throughout the day.

Tips for Drinking More Water Daily

It is recommended to drink water in large and sufficient quantities and the following points illustrate some tips that can be adopted to increase drinking water:

Choose drinks that do not contain large calories, to avoid weight gain. 
Drink a glass after every bathroom break.
Choose a person's favorite juices or drinks, which increase his consumption of liquids.
Eat large amounts of vegetables and fruits, because they contain large amounts of water.
Keep a bottle of water in the car, work, or in the bag.
Drink fluids with all meals.
Add flavor to your pitcher.
Keep a gallon jug nearby.
Dilute sugary drinks with water and ice.


Water is indispensable for human life, playing a vital role in numerous bodily functions such as regulating temperature, aiding digestion, transporting nutrients, and eliminating waste. Adequate hydration is essential for maintaining physical and cognitive performance, preventing dehydration-related health issues, and promoting overall well-being.

The general recommendation for daily water intake is around 8-10 glasses, or approximately 2-3 liters, but individual needs can vary based on factors such as age, weight, activity level, and climate. Listening to your body's signals and drinking water consistently throughout the day can help ensure you stay properly hydrated.

If you prioritize water consumption, you support your body's essential functions and contribute to a healthier, more vibrant life. Remember, staying hydrated is one of the simplest yet most impactful ways to maintain your health and vitality.

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