Interactive Touch Screen Displays - How to Use Touch Screen Technology in the Classroom

In Smart Classes, we have more than one device working together to deliver smart content to the future student. There is a smart whiteboard attached to a data show projector and a computer for a smooth flow of data that ensures student interaction and the quality of the output.
Interactive touch screen displays are used in the classroom for student engagement and monitoring teacher performance and administrator efficiency. In this article, we have discussed 10 ways an interactive touch screen display can improve student potential and classroom effectiveness.

Interactive Touch Screen Displays
Interactive touch screen displays can help improve education

Interactive Touch Screen Displays - How to Use Touch Screen Technology in the Classroom

What is Interactive Touch Screen Display?

Interactive touch screen technology is a smart screen size of approximately 75 inches, designed to interact with the user, so it will be an input, output, display and processing tool as well.

The presence of interactive touch screens in the classroom interprets the computer, the projector, and even the interactive whiteboard. 
 A malfunction in one of the three devices or the connectors between them impedes the smooth flow of data and may affect the course of the lesson as planned. So the smartest and appropriate alternative for the digital transformation era came. 

The interactive touch screen display is a technology that brought together all in one, so it was one of the most prominent features of the digital transformation in schools. Its employment coincided with the launch of the early childhood initiative in public education schools, and it was truly the greatest supporter of achieving its goals.

Interactive Touch Screen Display Features

The most important features of Interactive touch screen may include:
  • Optional in-built computer (OPS PC module).
  • It has USB ports to browse any file or link to any other device.
  • Compatible with Windows, Android,  iOS and Linux devices and Office software.
  • Easy to install and can be secured with a password.
  • In-built speaker system with audio extension ports availability.
  • Multi-touch capability with touch accuracy of <0.1mm.
  • Seamless integration with video conferencing solutions.
  • Anti-glare surface with IR finger touch sensors.
  • Pre-loaded interactive whiteboard software.
  • Integrated camera.
  • Supports WIFI and LAN.
  • Integrated sound system.
  • No bulbs, no filters or calibration.
  • Low energy consumption.
  • Low maintenance costs.

Interactive Touch Screen Displays in the Classroom

Interactive touch screen displays have become the mainstay of the classroom by providing students with a practical learning experience and enhancing the learning environment. These interactive screens provide teachers with important collaborative technology while tackling many common complaints related to projector technology.

In the Classroom, interactive touch screen displays are based on the aforementioned advantages and on the results of studies conducted on classes that have been taught using the interactive touch screen and others without it, in terms of the extent to which modern trends in education support and the quality of learning outcomes.

How to Use Touch Screen Technology in the Classroom

Interactive Touch Screen Displays
How to use interactive touch screen technology in the classroom
10 Ways Interactive Touch Screen Display can Help Improve Education
Here we have mentioned 10 ways an interactive touch screen display can improve students' prospects and classroom effectiveness and they can be summarized as follows:

1. Easy to Implement
An interactive touch screen system reduces maintenance and training costs.
Compared to projector-based systems and traditional interactive whiteboards, interactive touch screen technology offers significant benefits because it is an all-in-one solution and provides faster deployment.

The interactive touch screen advanced on the rest of the electronic devices in acceptance by teachers and students, you do not need extensive training to operate it. Similarly, it does not need regular maintenance, as do home screens.
Some administrative benefits of interactive LED touch screens include:
  • An all-in-one solution
  • Easy to install
  • Longer lifespan
  • Low maintenance
  • Low energy consumption
  • Greater reliability
  • Often no software licensing fees
  • Wall or cart-mount to exchange resources

2. Supporting Active Learning
Interactive touch screen technology helps to develop active learning strategies.
Interactive touch screens have an inherent ability to promote active learning that focuses on handling content by participating in the learning process. 

The beautiful thing is that it does not need extensive training like other devices, especially when teachers design interactive activities with the participation of students, such as analyzing text and pictures, withdrawing content from the Internet, distinguishing some points and commenting on others, or even engaging in an educational game.
Interestingly, it enables students through its program tools to conduct experiments in virtual laboratories on the screen, which helps to support them well in STEM tests.

3. Boosting Enthusiasm and Engagement
Interactive touch screen displays help boost eagerness, willingness, participation, and engagement.
The results of recent studies have shown that the benefits of interactive touch screens in education (especially in early childhood) are reflected in the increased pace of achievement, participation, motivation, and cooperation. 
Now, students are able to participate in exploration and activities for longer periods of time with a high degree of focus and interest during the completion of the lessons.

4. Developing Critical Thinking Skills
Interactive touch screen technology helps to develop critical thinking and readiness skills.
Having a sophisticated technical tool in the hands of students motivates them to adapt to the competitive world. In the past, the technical devices were multiple in one semester, and today only a device that stands in front of them, which develops their basic skills and requires them to be able to think at the highest levels and ask the smartest tools. 
The use of touch screens helps students develop socio-emotional learning competencies and skills such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

5.  Bringing Greater Inclusivity
Interactive touch screen technology helps teachers provide more learning opportunities for more students.
The schools implement individual technical educational programs, which can lead the student to spend a lot of his time behind the screen of his device focusing on his own activities. 
This in itself is not good for preserving the classroom community, but following up on the interactive activities and materials displayed on the interactive touch screen contributes to making students more connected to the school community but in a modern participatory manner and thus creating mutual interest and simulating the atmosphere of the family home.

6. Enhancing Classroom Management
Interactive touch screen technology helps improve classroom management.
Interactive touch screens contribute to learning smoothly, the more students are involved, the less likely they will be distracted. 
By making the lessons more dynamic, students are inherently fascinated by the content, and the visual timer ensures that children are involved in the task of managing and realizing time when taking the tests. 
This contributes to the teacher avoiding the problems related to time management and classroom management as required.

7. Creating a Common Experience
The interactive touch screen addresses individual differences and personality.
Interactive touch screen displays help teachers provide more learning opportunities for all students of different learning styles that highlight the differences between them.

Some students learn with the kinematic syllables and others with the sound and image syllables and these are supported by the interactive screen automatically.
Others learn to read and meditate, and the teacher will present them with printed papers with summaries or activities that require reflection and reading, then write the required solutions.

People with special needs also receive special support from interactive touch screen tools such as converting text to voice or vice versa.

8.  Delivering Effective Performance Feedback
Interactive touch screen displays help deliver effective performance feedback.
Students need comments to know when they are on the right track. 

Various study reports have shown that reducing the time allotted to the lesson and increasing the time allotted for interventions and discussion creates more learning in reality and doubles the speed of students learning to receive immediate responses from their peers, telling them about their performance and level of achievement. 
Repetition also allows them to retry, and as such, they receive persistent and critical inputs to convert comments into learning.

9.  Easy to Use
Everyone can use interactive touch screen technology easily.
One of the strongest points in which interactive touch screens excel is being familiar to teachers and students. They are accustomed to dealing with what is very similar to those screens in their homes, entertainment halls or even public places. 
This facilitates their use and stimulates the demand to benefit from their tools.
Teachers who previously used display-based systems in the teaching process, are often a big fan of interactive touch screen technology. 
The advantages of interactive touch-screen displays include: 
  • A clear and bright screen that allows teachers to keep the lights on.
  • Greater reliability for more uninterrupted class time.
  • Easy-to-install cart to share resources without recalibration.
  • Quiet, fan-free operation.
  • Maximized teaching time; no downtime from recalibrating or burned out bulbs.
  • Removes shadows and glow.

10. Improving Learning Outcomes
An interactive touch screen display improves learning outcomes.
Interactive touch screen technology improves the period of interest, enhances student engagement, helps students learn more, learn better and be better able to apply this learning as they move forward in their lives. This educational technology can be the cornerstone of classroom cohesion.
The results of studies conducted on the classes supported by interactive screens showed that the results of student learning are clearly higher and better than the classes supported by other technical devices in terms of quantity and quality as well.

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.

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