Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) in Our Daily Life

Let's see the most important applications of the Internet of Things in our daily lives and how IoT technology can make our lives easier and improve our quality of life?

Internet of Things (IoT)
Applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Our Daily Life

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

The term Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly used to define devices that are specifically connected to the local network and the Internet with each other independently of human action.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical things or people that we call “things”. These "things" are linked and embedded with other technologies that include: software, electronics, networks, and sensors. These technologies allow these objects or as we have said “things” to collect, share and interact with data.

The goal of the Internet of Things is to expand the Internet connection more than it used to be in standard devices such as computers, mobile phones and tablets, so that it extends to relatively dumb devices, if you will, interact with them and direct the necessary instructions to them, such as a coffee machine.

One of the biggest Advantages of IoT is its communication, as IoT devices can interact and communicate with each other and do a lot of tasks for us.

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) helped in the emergence of the Internet of things.

IoT is wearable and portable, which creates a connected world by transforming surrounding physical objects into an information ecosystem that rapidly changes the way people live.

IoT inventions continue to make devices smarter, which in turn makes human life easier. Let's take a look at the most important Internet of Things applications.

Read Here: How Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things are Inextricably Intertwined?

6 Real-World Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) 

There are many real world applications of the Internet of Things around us. 

The new wave of connectivity is going beyond smartphones and laptops, it is moving towards connected cars, connected wearables, connected healthcare, smart homes, smart cities, smart retail, smart learning environments and basically a connected life.

The most important areas in which the Internet of Things (IoT) is used are the following:

Internet of Things in Health

There are many applications of the Internet of Things in the field of medicine that in turn help in performing a lot of complex tasks.

There is no doubt that the medical field has improved a lot due to modern technologies and the great digital transformation that has occurred recently.

Advanced portable medical devices and also many mobile medical services were invented, which led to the improvement of health care.

Through the Internet of things technology, patients can be monitored in their homes, medicines can be sent to them, and medicines are even dispensed to them from smart pharmacies before their quantity runs out.

A person can also save himself in the event of a heart attack by using the latest technologies of the Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT).

It is likely that more reliance will be placed on the Internet of things technologies in the coming years. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the spread, and exchange of medical information have become very easy.

Internet of Things in Cars

The Internet of Things affects all aspects of human life, and cars are no exception.

Self-driving cars are just the clearest example of this effect, as they are controlled by smartly crafted technologies, Wi-Fi connectivity and smartphones.

In fact, there is a kind of smart car that senses accidents and gives signals to avoid them. The car recognizes the edges, sidewalks, and road signs and makes decisions to drive or park without the driver's intervention.

Self-driving vehicles also help people with disabilities and the elderly drive cars with ease.

Now we just have to wait to see what the future holds for us in terms of driverless cars. And the most prominent companies producing these cars are Tesla and Google.

Internet of Things in Education

Internet of things has greatly contributed to the availability of scientific knowledge, and obtaining it has become very easy.

Educational institutions have employed the Internet of things in education to improve the quality of education provided and to make educational or administrative tasks more effective.

The Internet of things has many scientific applications in education sector.

Newer terminology such as virtual classrooms, smart libraries, virtual universities, and e-books appeared, and high-quality technologies were used such as GPS vehicle tracking, interactive whiteboards, 3D printers, smart lighting, automatic cooling and heating systems, ID cards that support RFID, biometric-based attendance tracking system, security cameras, etc.

IoT technology helps students remain permanently connected to their curricula and professors, as letters are sent to them with their schedules and assignments, and suggestions to join personal and development courses and academic topics, such as various training opportunities.

Internet of Things in Agriculture

In agriculture, IoT-based smart farming systems can help farmers, for example, in monitoring light, temperature, humidity and soil moisture in crop fields using connected sensors.

With the help of sensors and interconnection, IoT in agriculture not only saved farmers' time but also reduced the excessive use of resources such as water and electricity.

IoT in Agriculture provides farmers with data for rational farm management plans to save time and money.

The Internet of Things also plays an essential role in the automation of irrigation systems, their working times, and the quantities of water required for each field.

Smart Home

Through the Internet of Things technology, it is possible to operate the air-conditioning, lighting, preparing food, watering the gardens, inspecting the contents of the refrigerator and alerting the end of food in it, and even extending to requesting a list of food from the food centers. 

The refrigerator can communicate with the shopping center, purchase and deliver supplies without human intervention, so understanding between things using the Internet Protocol is essential.

Smart Cities

Internet of Things technology can be utilized in the use of smart street lights and smart meters, helping to reduce traffic, conserve energy, monitor and address environmental concerns and environmental pollution, and improve sanitation. All of these applications will save resources and improve their utilization in optimal ways.

IoT technology enables the development of city services, such as electrical and water networks, as well as traffic regulation networks, so that they are able to report damage and accidents on the roads and take appropriate action.

Water sprinklers in public gardens can also irrigate, and even sense from the humidity and temperature sensor, so they spray water to soften the atmosphere.

Read here "The Importance of Internet of Things in Our Life".

The Scientific World

The Scientific World is a Scientific and Technical Information Network that provides readers with informative & educational blogs and articles. Site Admin: Mahtab Alam Quddusi - Blogger, writer and digital publisher.


  1. I appreciate your effort in helping people understand and increase knowledge about the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is the future of modern computing which in a very short span of time has taken over the world.

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