Top 10 Inventions That Changed the World and Made Human Life Easier

Here are the top 10 inventions that changed the world for the better and made human life easier and more convenient.

Top 10 Inventions

Top 10 Inventions That Changed the World and Made Human Life Easier

Scientific Inventions

People resort to inventions for several reasons, the most prominent of which is "Necessity". "Necessity is the mother of invention" is a well-known proverb, a person or society as a whole may go through difficulties and challenges that ultimately compel him to invent something in order to overcome these challenges.

The methods of access to inventions are many and numerous, so an invention may be accessed after the advance of science and the arrival of new discoveries. The DNA fingerprint is one of the most important inventions that have been accessed in this way.

Another way to access inventions is by trial and error, and by developing previous inventions, and some inventions may be reached through accidents or errors.

Top 10 Inventions of All Time that Changed the World for the Better

No sensible person can deny the fact that inventions have dramatically changed human life in various fields.  Among the most prominent inventions influencing human life are the following:

The Internal Combustion Engine:

The internal combustion engine converts the heat produced from combustion into mechanical or kinetic energy.

Many scientists and engineers have contributed to the development of internal combustion engines.

George Bailey Brayton, an American mechanical engineer, invented the first commercial liquid-fueled internal combustion engine in 1872. 

In 1876, Nikolaus August Otto - a German engineer, working with Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, developed the four-stroke internal-combustion engine. 

In 1879, Karl Friedrich Benz, a German mechanical engineer, patented a reliable two-stroke gas engine.

The development of the internal combustion engine helped free men from the most difficult manual labor, revolutionized power generation, contributed to the era of industry, and made aircraft and other forms of transportation possible.

The Printing Press:

A printing press is a mechanical device by which text and images are transferred to paper or other media by means of ink. 

A German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press in the fifteenth century.

The Printing Press made the process of writing and copying books an easy process, as nearly half a million books spread around the world within the 60 years of the invention of this machine.

The Compass:

The compass was invented by the Chinese in the period between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD where it was called the "South Pointing Fish" or "south-governor". 

In ancient times, people tracked the stars as they traveled, and they encountered difficulties during that. And this method was not effective during the day or when there were clouds in the sky at night.

Initially, the magnetic compass was not used for navigation, but for geomancy and fortune-telling by the Chinese. The compass was used for navigation in the early thirteenth century. Later on, the compass is used for navigation, direction and location.

The Wheel:

The wheel impacted our life in many ways such as transportation, communication, construction, etc.

Before the invention of the wheel in 3500 BC, the process of moving objects across the surface of the earth was limited.

The wheeled wagons have simplified both agriculture and trade, as they have facilitated the transportation of goods to and from markets, and have reduced the burden of people traveling over long distances.

Wheels are now found in most everyday applications such as watches, vehicles, and turbines.

The Light Bulb:

The famous American inventor Thomas Edison is often credited with creating the first commercially successful lamp in 1879, but he was not the only one who contributed to the development of this revolutionary technology. British chemist Warren de La Rue solved scientific challenges nearly 40 years earlier. Humphrey Davy introduced an electric arc lamp to the Royal Society of Britain in 1806.

The lamp has greatly changed a person’s life and made him more productive. As he became not only working in the morning but was able to work at night as well, due to the presence of the lighting he needed.

The Nails:

The invention of the nail dates back to 2000 years ago in the ancient Roman era. Archeological evidence shows nails were used in Ancient Egypt around 3,400 B.C.

The use of the nail began after humans developed their ability to cast and shape metals. Previously, they built wooden structures by clamping the wooden panels together, which made the construction process difficult.

In the year 1990 AD, all the nails were made by hand by blacksmiths heating a square iron bar and then hitting it on all four sides to form the head of the nail.

The nails industry began to develop until 1886 AD, when 10% of American nails were made of soft steel wire, and in 1913 most of the nails were made from them.

The Telephone:

A telephone is a communication device designed to simultaneously transmit and receive human voice when people are too far apart to be heard directly.

The invention of the telephone was the culmination of work done by many individuals. Alexander Graham Bell is often credited with being the inventor of the telephone. However, there were many other inventors like Antonio Meucci and Elisha Gray.

On December 28, 1871, Antonio Meucci filed a patent notice in the US Patent Office for a device he called the "Sound Telegraph". In 1872, Elisha Gray founded the Western Electric Manufacturing Company.

This invention has a great impact on the field of communications. The communication process has become a quick and easy process, and it is considered a means of entertainment in addition to being very important in many fields.

This invention is the seed from which other inventions sprouted, such as the cell phone and even the web.

The Internet:

The Internet is the global system of computer networks connected to each other that uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) to communicate between networks and devices.

The first working prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET).

ARPANET was the network that allowed multiple computers to communicate on a single network. In 1969, the idea became a humble reality with the interconnection of four university computers. Later, it became the basis of the Internet.

An English computer scientist, Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee (Tim Berners-Lee), invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989 while working at European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Two American scientists Vinton Cerf and Robert Elliot Kahn (Bob Kahn) are credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today and the system referred to as the Internet.

The web is now being used by millions of people around the world for various purposes.

The Calculator:

 A calculator is usually a portable electronic device used for performing calculations.

In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first adding machine or a mechanical calculator with a sophisticated carry mechanism.

In 1921, Edith Clarke invented a simple graph-based calculator, known as the Clarke calculator, for solving line equations involving hyperbolic functions.

After being invented, this small machine has facilitated many calculations for workers in various fields. Students and engineers are no longer required to memorize complex equations.


The plane is the most influential invention of the twentieth century, simply because it shrunk the world.

The Wright brothers—Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright — are often credited with inventing the first aircraft capable of flying in the air and said that they were the first who invented aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible.

The airplane has greatly facilitated travel and mobility, which required months in the past to cover short distances, but with the presence of the plane, this time was shortened to only a few hours to cover large distances.

The airplane has shown us an unseen and astonishing new perspective on our Earth.

The Scientific World

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