The Importance of Wisdom in Our Lives: The Psychology of Wisdom

Wisdom is the combination of experience, knowledge, and careful decision. It can help improve your life in all aspects: emotional, mental, physical, and financial. Let's have a look at the characteristics of wisdom and the importance of wisdom in our lives and ways to become wiser.

Psychology of Wisdom
The Psychology of Wisdom

Why Wisdom is the Principal Thing in Life and How to Become Wiser?

Life requires a person to have many good qualities that help him to overcome difficulties and deal with different situations in a logical way and achieve the best results at the individual and societal level. In this article, we will discuss the characteristics of wisdom and the importance of wisdom in our lives, and ways to become wiser.

The Psychology of Wisdom

Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge, understanding, experience, common sense and insight to make sound decisions and sensible judgments.

Wisdom helps a person to overcome multiple difficult situations that he may encounter and get out of them with the least possible losses.

A wise person has some qualities that are difficult to acquire across multiple situations, such as patience, deep thinking, analyzing and studying matters clearly, and reaching sound results using sound introductions.

Wisdom is not something that is materially acquired; rather it can be learned directly from a wise person.

The wise man gives advice to the seeker of wisdom, which he applies so that he can benefit from it in the various situations that he may encounter in life and achieve the wise results that he aims for.

Analyzing matters and studying them in the mind is one of the most important features of the wise person, as the wise person studies in his mind the premises of matters and analyzes them well in a logical way that leads to the expected results in many possibilities. Then he tries to choose the best way in order to achieve the results he desires and avoid harm as much as possible.

Everyone strives to be wise, but those who actually implement it are very few who have the primitive qualities of wisdom such as patience, perseverance, deep logical thinking, and access to all possibilities in a single decision.

The Importance of Wisdom in Our Lives

Wisdom is of great importance in our lives, as it helps us to deal with things in the best possible way to achieve the best results that a person seeks, taking into account all the possibilities that may arise to change the order of priorities and thus change the goal-seeking behavior.

Wisdom helps a person to reach his goals in a quick and unhurried manner, meaning that wisdom in dealing with matters leads him to reach his goals in short times with less effort, i.e. it shortens the time and effort in performing the various life functions and the situations that he may encounter.

Wisdom protects a person from falling into difficult problems and prevents him from recklessness and hasty in making decisions that he may regret later. Or decisions based only on whims without study, careful planning, and analysis of the results, and therefore wisdom protects man from falling into problems.

Wisdom works to build a person's personality in the way everyone hopes for him, as wisdom cultivates good qualities. In the human personality, it helps him to overcome difficulties and deal with different situations in a logical way and achieve the best results at the individual and societal level.

Wisdom helps a person develop his relationships and societal skills. A wise person is loved by people because he advises them in the correct way to achieve good results in their life situations. He does not find anything wrong with helping others to reach their goals because he has confidence in himself and in the goodness that is within him and among people.

The  Characteristics of Wisdom

A wise person can be characterized by a set of characteristics and qualities, including the following:

Openness: Wisdom requires openness to the world, not introversion and intolerance of others' ideas. Rather, accept the differences between humans and try to benefit from them and use these differences in a correct way that benefits the wise person in his life.

Culture: The wise person educates himself intensively so that he looks at the knowledge that helps him to analyze and study matters carefully to reach the best possible results.

Mercy: The wise person enjoys mercy and forgiveness for others and does not impose harsh judgments on them because he analyzes matters in a merciful and soft way, so he seeks excuses for others and forgives them for their mistakes.

Listening habit: A wise person tries to listen to others when they talk about their problems or life situations that they face in life so that he tries to learn from the experiences of others and add to his experience new experiences.

Fun and happiness: Funny character helps a person to overcome difficult situations that he may face, and thus does not involve himself when exposed to such situations, which can be overcome with a happy and cheerful spirit.

Humility: Humility is one of the most important characteristics of a wise person, as he does not brag about his knowledge and experience. Rather, he is well aware that there are always those who are more knowledgeable than him. Thus, he is not arrogant over people, but rather humbles himself before them and thus gains their love and respect, and we do not forget that humility is the essence of true wisdom.

Acceptance of others: Many people try to change others around them, but their attempts are often useless and futile. It's wise to accept people without focusing on who they are and without changing their behavior or change your attitude toward them. We also want people to accept us for who we are without changing ourselves.

Helping nature: A wise person is not characterized by selfishness and arrogance, but rather works to help others in a sincere way until they reach their goals, and this achieves psychological and spiritual peace for him when helping others to reach their goals.

Ability to overcoming crises: A wise person has the ability to overcome crises and difficulties in his life, where wisdom is gained through experience and exposure.

It has been found that people who have been exposed to psychological or social crises have learned from them and become wiser and more stoic.

How to Become a Wise Person?

Psychologists have studied wisdom for several centuries and found that being wise is more beneficial to him in being able to make decisions wisely, because it helps him feel satisfied in his life and makes his relationship with those around him better, and it also helps reduce feelings of sadness and depression.

If you want to become a wiser person, here are some important characteristics that you can adopt in your life:

Think about things well before getting the result, and if the person is angry and upset, he will not be able to think clearly, so the person must calm down in order to be able to think about the facts clearly and logically.

Wise people think before they speak. They follow the principle that if the saying comes out of a person’s mouth, it does not return, so the wise person only says the things that make him proud of saying them.

Learn from the mistakes of others, as it is not always wise to compare yourself to others, but the majority of human beings have the same weaknesses. This enables us to learn from the mistakes of others and avoid them.

Be responsible for your actions and choices and face with courage all the consequences of your decisions and do not excuse or blame others for your mistakes so that the taste of failure does not become easy for yourself, you must be responsible in order to become wise.

Accompany the wise and pious people. One of the most important ways in which a person becomes wise is to always accompany those who are wise and try to learn from what they do in their life situations and how is their relationship with people, you can benefit from their experiences. Also, try to apply it when exposed to similar situations. This instills in you a love of wisdom and character building.

Analyze people's views, values, and actions. Old age is not considered one of the direct reasons that help a person acquire wisdom, as experience in itself is not what makes a person wise, but rather what makes him so is his ability to analyze and elicit lessons from the experiences that pass him in his life.

It was found that there is no relationship between wisdom and age period. It is possible for a person to be wise at the age of thirty and human intelligence plays a role in the formation of wisdom by only 2%, as intelligence is not considered one of the things that wisdom depends on.

Stay away from haste, acting in haste eventually leads to regret, so it is necessary to use the time correctly to think about the things to be achieved, and you must use intuition and logic to reach the best decisions. 

There is an inverse relationship between the degree of recklessness or hasty in matters and the degree of his wisdom. Wisdom protects a person from recklessness that may fall into various problems that he may not find solutions to.

Move away from blind imitation, just because others do some of the same things doesn't mean you have to imitate them and do the same things.

It is not wise to follow crowds blindly. Rather, you should think, observe, and question the motives for doing things, and ask yourself whether you really want to do it, and whether it is a good thing to do or not.

Be independent in your mind, as listening too much to other people's opinions without forming your own opinion can prevent you from thinking calmly and rationally about things and making decisions that are appropriate for your situation. 

As waiting for the approval and opinions of others for your experiences or actions means stopping the opportunities for development and creativity in your life.

Try to understand others, as some people judge others and classify them into good and bad people, and the wise person does not perform these actions, but rather he tries to search for a reason to explain the attitude and behavior of other people.

Psychologists say that the behavior from the actor's point of view is reasonable and has justified reasons, otherwise, the person would not have done it from the beginning, and with the passage of time and focus on understanding the reason behind the actions rather than evaluating, the individual comes out with the benefit of being able to predict future actions and being able to give the best advice to others.

Wise people work to change the status quo of things, they work to set new rules and look for better ways to change things. They have the ability to look at positive things, as they see that today's worries may bring later benefits, but this does not mean that wise people are happier than others because they are realistic and constantly criticize themselves.

Mutual respect between people is gained by taking the initiative to respect the person you are dealing with. This is one of the most important characteristics of a wise person, as he respects everyone to earn their respect.

Man is characterized by the ability to balance the self and the other good at the same time, and to be able to look beyond his own desires. Combining vanity and wisdom is not possible, because a person who prioritizes his own interest over the interests of others is not considered a wise person.

Helping others increases your self-confidence, enhances the love of others for you, and increases people's acceptance of your mistakes and forgiveness for you, and they love you as well as you help them.

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