Ideal Sleeping Hours: How Does Age Impact This?

How Does Age Impact Sleeping Hours?

Sleep plays a vital role in a person's life. Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and well-being. Lack of sleep or poor sleep can contribute to many mental and physical health conditions, reducing people's quality of life as they age. In order to meet an individual's unique needs, it is important to understand the effects of aging on sleep and overall health.

As you get older, you'll likely notice changes in your sleep patterns. Aging affects your sleep hours. But how many hours of sleep are enough and healthy for you and how does age impact sleeping hours. Let's find out!

Aging affects Sleeping Hours
Aging changes in sleep

What is the Ideal Sleeping Hours by Age?

The best sleeping hours for infants are entirely different from adults. This is due to many factors which affect the capacity of the body for deep sleep. In most cases, the lack of ability to achieve more profound levels of sleep results in a very disturbed sleeping pattern with several interruptions in the same period. Further complications such as irritability and depression can arise with the same symptoms.

In this article, we will discuss what are the factors that interfere with your healthy sleep? How many hours of sleep do we really need and how does age impact sleeping hours? 

Factors Affecting the Sleeping Ability of the Infants

There are various other reasons which affect the ability to sleep for infants. This is especially true when a child starts crawling. This requires the body to reach a state of complete relaxation.

While this may sound very interesting, there is no guarantee that a baby will learn to fall asleep without falling off the edge of the bed or getting up very early in the morning. Such an endeavor is very challenging for a child, and they get frustrated quickly if the result is unsatisfactory.

One of the biggest challenges that are basically associated with this condition is the body's inability to shift to the deepest level of sleep. A four or five-year-old child can begin to show signs of exhaustion due to the lack of oxygen in his blood. Even adults do not get the chance to sleep correctly regularly. This is mainly due to the constant interruptions in their sleep patterns.

Read Here: Benefits of Sleeping at Night: What is the Best Sleeping Position?

How Do More Brain Activity and Physical Alertness Affect the Quality of Sleep?

The less activity and exercise, the lesser the amount of time that the brain can be restfully deepened. The less time it takes for the brain to go back to the deepest level of sleep, the lesser the fatigue and tiredness that the person experiences during the day.

The amount of sleep that the brain also receives directly impacts its ability to remain asleep. If the brain is deprived of the proper amount of sleep, it is more likely to choose the option of falling asleep rather than wake up naturally.

The average level of activity in a person's life directly impacts the deepest level of sleep that they achieve. If someone is active throughout their life and they quit exercising or become overweight, they are likely to have trouble sleeping at night.

People who stay engaged in their lives and are more active will typically have the best sleeping hours.

Apart from the positive impact of the brain on the quality of sleep sometimes, it also leads to Oversleeping or Hypersomnia as it is considered opposite to Insomnia.

As recommended by National Sleep Foundation, the average sleep hours of adults between the age of 18-64 is 9 hours; anything above that is known as Oversleeping or Hypersonic.

How Many Hours of Sleep are Healthy According to Age?

In 2015 the National sleep foundation recommended the following sleep level in the USA.

Age Group

Time specification




14-17 hours


(4-11 months)

12-15 hours


(1-2 Years)

11-14 hours


(3-5 Years)

10-13 hours


(6-13 Years)

9-11 hours


(14-17 Years)

8-10 hours

Young Adults

(18-25 Years)

7-9 hours

Many people think sleeping less is a good thing and will get them through each day, but as we age, we often find our sleep hours are reduced. We can not reverse time, but we can do things to help ensure that we get the best night's sleep.

What are Some Recommendations for a Good Night Sleep? 

Good Night Sleep
How to get a good night sleep and wake up refreshed

Here are some of the recommendations that help you sleep better at night:

Healthy hours for sleep: the recommended amount of sleep for adults is seven hours. As we age, the body basically requires less sleep, so ensuring you get the right amount.

Eight hours of sleep is a standard recommendation, but as you age, the time it takes to fall asleep can take longer. Eight hours is the best compromise.

Healthy sleep habits: it is essential to maintain a consistent sleep pattern. The sleep cycle needs to be predictable. Your sleep cycle should include the processes of light and darkness, and you should not be disturbed by anything.

If you have worries or problems in your life, try to relax or delegate the work that is causing you stress.

Remember, it is basically normal to feel anxious and worried a few times a week, and it is when these anxious feelings start to build up, it is most likely that you will find yourself wishing you could go to bed earlier.

Getting the right amount of sleep: although it is essential to get the correct hours of sleep, there is also a correlation between the number of hours you sleep and the quality of your sleep. It is better to rest less than you should as the lack of sleep can cause health issues.

Eight hours of sleep is not enough if you are over sixty years old and may not be sufficient for those in their fifties. It is recommended that those in their twenties do not sleep below the recommended amount as sleep quality can be affected.

Apart from you getting the right amount of sleep, you would also need the perfect bed with a comfortable mattress and pillow to get quality sleep. The mattress of a bed rests on a bed base. Platform beds and box springs are bed bases. But box springs function as bed frames too.

Platform beds are beds whose surface is either solid or slatted, which holds the mattress up. Box spring is basically a wooden box containing a spring inside.

Read here: How Pillows Affect the Quality of Your Sleep

Eating the right foods: it is essential that you eat a healthy and balanced diet during the day, as this directly impacts how much sleep you will get at night. Your body clock is dictated by the type of food you eat, the timing of your meals, and how many hours of sleep you need.

The main factors that affect the time it takes for you to fall asleep include: the length of time you are awake, how many hours are left in your day, and how well you are rested. Try and keep your regular diet as balanced as possible so that your nutritional needs will be met. Certain foods can help with keeping your sleep.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol: these substances have a negative effect on sleep and can disrupt your sleep cycle. Also, avoid taking small amounts of medication such as aspirin as this can also interfere with your sleep. Some individuals like to take a cup of tea before going to bed as it enhances sleeping hours.

Have a routine: this will help you to get to sleep quicker and more consistently each night. For example, get up and walk around a few times each day; do not drink any coffee before bedtime. Keep a diary to basically write down what you were doing in your spare time before going to bed: did you watch TV, play games, or exercise?

Take a look in the mirror basically and try to remember any relaxing or pleasant activities you performed. If you are in front of a computer screen for long periods, close your browser and try to relax a little before hitting the sleep button.

Read More: The Best Guide to Relaxation and Quality Sleep


These are just a few things to keep in mind when trying to figure out the best sleeping hours for you.

The amount of sleep that you basically get each night can make a big difference in how well you will sleep throughout the night. So,  you must make sure that you take a look at all of your life and job responsibilities.

If anything prevents you from getting enough sleep, then it is time to make some changes in the pattern you live in.

Read Also: 

1. Symptoms and Causes of Sleep Deprivation

2. How Can Lack of Sleep Make People More Violent?

3. How to Get Rid of Lack of Sleep and Insomnia

The Scientific World

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