Physics is the science that helps us understand various natural phenomena that are embedded in our reality. We use physics in our daily life activities such as walking, cutting, watching, cooking, and opening and closing things.
Physics is one of the most elementary sciences that contributes directly to the development of science and the development of new technologies. Let's have a look at the importance of physics in our daily lives.
The Role of Physics in Our Life |
What is the Importance of Physics in Our Daily Life?
Physics is one of the most important parts of our lives. Whatever we do, there is physics. We apply the principles of physics in our everyday life activities. In this article, we will discuss how important is physics in our daily life.
Why Do We Study Physics?
Physics helps us to understand the world around us, find quantitative physical laws for everything, bring a broad perspective to any problem and satisfy our curiosity.
Physics is one of the oldest and most complex sciences because it is related to the rest of the other sciences. Physics studies everything that takes place in the universe, including particles, natural phenomena and energy, and their relationship to each other. Physics is characterized by precision, which motivates scientists always to invent new tools and methods that take care of the accuracy and results of physical experiments.
There are many branches of physics, the most important of which are classical physics, modern physics, nuclear physics, atomic physics, molecular physics, biophysics, mechanical physics (mechanics), geophysics, astrophysics, acoustics, and each of these branches includes its own physical definitions and laws.
Some basic scientific theories in different areas of physics may include:
- The theory of classical mechanics.
- Electromagnetic theory.
- Quantum theory.
- Laws of Thermodynamics.
- Theory of Relativity.
- Theory of gravity.
- Kinetic theory of matter.
- Statistical mechanics theory.
The importance of physics in our lives is highlighted by the many applications that physics has made possible in people's lives, and which have become one of the indispensable necessities of life.
The Importance of Physics in Everyday Life
The importance of physics in our lives is highlighted by the many applications that physics has made possible in people's lives, and which have become one of the indispensable necessities of life.
It can be said that the reason for the great progress that human civilization has witnessed in recent centuries is due in one way or another to the science of physics, especially finding the laws of motion and after discovering the principles upon which many devices are built, such as means of communication.
Physics intersects with mathematics, and the two are considered twins in the sciences. Most natural phenomena and their various behaviors must be converted into important mathematical equations and formulas that serve human needs and predict these phenomena. Thus, it is concluded that mathematics and physics can never be separated.
Physics is divided into a huge number of branches, each of which specializes in a specific field. Perhaps the most prominent branches of physics are; Atomic and nuclear physics, acoustics, optics, astrophysics, geophysics, thermodynamics, and many other branches.
A large number of scientists have contributed to this enormous field of knowledge throughout humanity, which has brought physics to such a high level that it is at the present time.
Physics is of great importance in life and this is what we will learn about in the following points:
Science and technology play an important role in our daily life. Physics plays a decisive role in modern culture and is part of human history. Its development has contributed to the progress of many other human activities, from medicine to space travel, from economics to telecommunications, etc.
Physics deals with the things like matter, force, energy and motion. All these are related to our daily tasks. Physics defines how everything around us works. We cannot separate ourselves from the wonders of physics.
Physics influences our conception of the world and of man; It is the basis of all the devices we use; allows us to evaluate the possibilities and limitations of our activities.
Physics helps us analyze, evaluate, and distinguish solutions to different problems. Physics isn't just in labs, it's everywhere we look.
Physics allows us to better understand natural phenomena and relate them to our daily activities. In this way, we can explain how and why things happen in addition to experimenting and confirming the results. Where is the Earth's Center of Gravity Located?
We can walk easily only because of physics. When we put our foot on the ground, we apply a force to it. In doing this, the ground also applies an equal force to our foot, but in the opposite direction, and propels us forward. This is what we call Newton's third law.
When we want to open and close hinged doors, we use physics. The phenomenon involved in opening and closing doors is called "torque". Torque is the measure of the force required to rotate an object about an axis or fulcrum. The torque is positive when you open the door clockwise and negative if you open it anticlockwise.
We use a steam iron to give our clothes a professionally pressed look and feel from the comfort of our home. A steam iron uses a lot of physics principles to make it work like "Heat" (a form of energy that is transferred from one body to another as a result of a temperature difference).
We use physics in our kitchens to cook delicious foods. In the cooking process, we use a branch of physics called "thermodynamics". Thermodynamics deals with heat and temperature that are necessary for cooking foods.
When we cut fruits and vegetables, we use many principles of physics. In order to cut anything, we have to apply pressure to the knife. The pressure is directly dependent on the force and inversely dependent on the area. Therefore, when we increase the pressure on the knife, we can cut any object easily.
We use car seat belts to prevent us from sliding inside the car in the event of a collision. Our car seat belt works on the concept of physics called "inertia". In an accident, a fast-running car suddenly stops. So, the momentum of the car drops to zero in a very short time. The seat belt helps prevent the body from moving in the forward direction. As our body resists stopping due to inertia.
Sound is something we cannot see but hear or experience. Physics here works on the concept of quantum mechanics and studies the origin, propagation and properties of sound. Sound is vital for interacting with others, sharing information, creating art, and countless other aspects of life.
We use headphones/earphones to listen to music and sound. Our headphones/earphones work on the concept of physics called magnetism and sound waves. Headphones/earphones consist of two transducers that receive electrical impulses from an audio receiver, converting the impulses into radio waves. And then they convert radio waves into sound energy that our ears perceive.
We entertain ourselves by clicking our photos. The Lens used in our cameras works on the principle of physics called Optics, which studies the behavior and properties of light. The camera's digital sensor prepares to organize data coming from the light and the camera uses a set of convex lenses to take real inverted images on the film.
Topics That Interest in Physics
Physics is the science that is concerned with the study of nature, which consists of matter and energy, and accordingly, we can say that physics is concerned with defining the basic quantities in the universe (such as velocity, acceleration, charge, momentum, ...).
Physics also attempts to find relationships between these quantities in addition to the laws that describe them (such as Newton's laws, Coulomb's law, the laws of quantum mechanics, Bernoulli's principle, Theory of relativity, statistical mechanics, ...); This connection between quantities is usually done using mathematics, graphs, statistics, and other methods.
Physics raises many big questions, some of which have been answered, but most of them are still pending such as:
- How did the universe begin?
- What is the fate of the universe in the end?
- How did life evolve from nonliving matter?
- Why does time seem to flow only in one direction?
- What is a matter made of?
- Where do ultrahigh-energy particles come from?
- How big is space?
- Why is the night sky dark?
- How does lightning happen?
- What are the forces controlling nature in the universe?
- Is there a theory that can describe everything?
- Can we find a unified theory of physics?
These and other questions are the domain of physics. If we can answer them, this may lead us to great benefits.
For example, while previously humans were trying to answer some specific physics questions (such as Maxwell, Faraday,...) these and other scientists came up with what may be the greatest thing in our lives today; Which is electricity, generating it, and benefiting from it, and they reached it specifically when they were trying to answer a set of questions related to the study of light, electric and magnetic fields, and in more scientific words; Electromagnetic theory.
How to Learn Physics Easily
One of us may want to learn physics for several reasons; Such as a job, fame, money, desire for knowledge, love of science, or any other reason, and since the article aims to introduce the importance of physics, it is necessary to mention the way to learn physics.
Learning physics may seem complicated, but it is actually much simpler than we imagine since physics is in essence a search for answers that have plagued the human mind throughout the ages.
Physics aims first and foremost to understand the universe and its strange phenomena. The human mind picks up by observation the initial questions that his thinking later refines into mature questions that lead the world in its search for truth, ending with the amazing discovery of the answer to the question or perhaps other answers, or perhaps other new questions in most cases.
To learn physics, you must first realize that it takes a lot of effort to be able to understand physics, in addition to your need to learn many different things in the fields of natural sciences, computers, engineering, and others, so that you can understand physical theories and learn about their existing applications.
In order to fully understand physics, it is necessary to attend a university program in the field of physics. You will be able to get many opportunities there, and you will learn what you cannot learn from books or the Internet, such as scientific research methods in physics, and ways of thinking about physical problems, and you will get to know people who specialize in physics; Which will give you the opportunity to talk with them (whether they are professors or other students).
If a person wants more specialization and depth in studying physics, he must enroll in a university program specialized in physics, and this is the best way. It comes to mind, besides being able to participate in research teams.
It is important to mention the importance of the university in this way, as no matter how useful the means by which a person learns physics, it will not replace the university. But if it is difficult to enroll in a university program, perhaps some tips will be useful, and where the person has to do self-learning.
It is preferable to start studying mathematics, as it is the universal language. We use math concepts in almost every aspect of life. Using math formulas, physics provides solutions and various explanations for the phenomena of the universe.
It is a good idea to start by learning some basic math topics; Such as calculus, linear algebra, solving differential equations, learning about complex numbers, statistics and probability, and some special functions, then classical mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, solar system, electromagnetic theory, special theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and solid-state physics, Some advanced mathematics, nuclear physics, general relativity, astrophysics, cosmology, time, and high-energy physics. After that, the learner will be able to set out to explore and specialize in the field he wants.
Physics plays a prominent role in the progress of human civilization and physics has many uses and applications in daily practical life.
The applications of physics do not involve only one field but are diverse to include energy, medicine, transportation, aviation, space, communications, and satellites, in addition to modern technology.
Thank you for this article. It helped me to get my daughter understand why she should study physics at all, how learning about the velocity of a bird is going to help her in her day to day life.