How to Target Facebook Ads Based On Google Searches

Facebook Ad Targeting with Google Searches. Finding powerful Facebook ad targeting strategies with the highest accuracy can be a little tricky for many. Here's how to target Facebook ads based on Google searches.

Facebook Ad Targeting, Google Searches,
Facebook advertising options

Facebook Ad Targeting with Google Searches

As of 2021, Facebook has 2.9 billion active users, one-third of the population of the world, making it globally the largest social media platform. It means customers for any business are online on Facebook at every moment of the day making it a suitable place for every business to find customers. However, finding them with the highest accuracy can be a little tricky for many. 

The general trend of the last few years shows that the average time spent on Facebook per user has declined. It is because of the rise of several other social platforms and interacting applications. Thus, it is very important for every marketer to collect user data from other sources also. Limiting oneself to a single platform may not be as efficient as it was a few years back. It is where the internet giant Google, with about 4 billion users becomes the most effective source to target Facebook ads based on Google searches.

Read more: The Importance of Social Media Marketing for Business

How Facebook Ads Work

With most of its users coming from mobile-first online markets such as India, currently, Facebook has more than 98% of its active users using the mobile app. Out of these, 79% only use a phone to access social networks. Over the years, Facebook has continuously evolved its features to interact with and engage more and more users. Facebook launched its advertising services about three years after its launch with a rapidly increasing user-base. Today, there are about 9 million advertisers, out of which over 6 million are advertising regularly to keep the share of Facebook in the digital and social media advertising market close to 20%. 

You can create different types of ads from promoting posts on your pages to your websites. Facebook provides an efficient filtering process based on several factors such as users' location, age, gender, interests, connections, and languages, etc. It helps businesses, marketers, and advertisers to reach their target audience precisely. By adding advertising assets like images, videos, ad copies, etc., you may easily capture the attention of the users.

The most crucial part of Facebook ads is strategic bidding. The pricing of the ads can be the difference in your profit or a failed test. It helps you get the idea of how much of the target audience you are going to reach. The bid range also helps to get the CTR and other performance measures of the ads like target, total reach, social reach, etc. Facebook also provides advanced analytical tools that help to calculate the performance of your ads.

How to target Facebook Ads based on Google searches

Google holds a 92.4% share of the worldwide search engine market. There are a total of 3.5 billion searches on Google every day. This amount of data is no less than a treasure to any advertiser. Fortunately, Facebook allows advertisers to target their audience based on their searches on Google. Most of the sites on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) have a Facebook pixel installed on them. Whenever a person searches anything on Google, the pixel captures the visitor activities, like the site data, the keywords, the phrases, and the page visited as a whole. It helps you as an advertiser to understand whether or not your ads reached the right people. 

Google searches can help to create Facebook ads precisely in the following ways:

1) Retargeting and Brand Awareness

Google searches respond to the keywords entered by internet users. It means users know what they are looking for or what services they want. Whereas, advertising on Facebook is more of a pushy act where the selected target audience is based on their interests, locations, and demographics, etc. As a result, you may end up targeting a number of people who are not interested in your services.

One of the best techniques to get maximum from your ads is to target those people who made Google searches for similar products/services as yours. You can make them aware of the products/services you are offering on Facebook. This personalized approach can deliver 5 to 8 times better ROI and increase your sales by 10%.

2) Customizing Facebook Ad Headlines as Keywords

A successfully customized ad campaign on Facebook can reach many prospects easily. An engaging Facebook ad headline generates multiple searches on Google. Similarly, writing search keywords on the ad headline leads users to take the defined call to action. 

3) Interest Targeting 

When you define a particular target interest in the Facebook ad campaign, many people believe that these interests are from the data collected on Facebook only. In reality, this data comes from different websites that users visit. With the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, Facebook is leveraging this enormous amount of data available at its disposal. 

It is worth noting down that more reach does not necessarily mean more conversions. Spending money on more reach may not be as effective as limiting the audience to a focus group. Facebook pixel features efficient tools such as tracking users’ online behavior and creating lookalike audiences that help advertisers understand & specify the buying persona. Google search analytics can be as effective in targeting the right audience. 


Google ads can be one of the most efficient solutions to reach customers as it is the largest and most popular PPC ad platform, one reason why it is more expensive than Facebook. On the other hand, Facebook is a paid social platform that helps customers to know the online behavior of the businesses. Both of these platforms home billions of active users exploring and interacting daily. While most of the time, these platforms are portrayed as rivals, for effective types of marketing metrics and campaigns, these will be complementary.

To derive more traffic and sales, you always need to work with both of them simultaneously. Google search analytics can be the most effective tool to retarget your audience on Facebook and increase your visibility in front of the right audience. Harness the power of both these powerful tools for the growth of your business. After all, it is all for a better ROI.

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