Why Study Biology - The Importance of Biology

Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms, their origins, anatomy, physiology, morphology, and behavior and enables us to understand the mechanisms in various functions. Let's find out why biology is so important in our lives and why do we need to study biology?

Importance of Biology
Why Study Biology

What is the Importance of Studying Biology?

Biology is the science that studies the multiple vital functions of living organisms such as humans and provides various answers that the scientific mind seeks.

Biology is one of the ancient sciences that studies everything related to living organisms and their living functions, from humans to bacteria and microscopic creatures, including animals, insects, and all types of plants of all kinds. 

Biology studies these organisms in terms of their organic composition, their sexual and asexual reproduction methods, their growth methods, diseases and pests that affect them, the genetic characteristics of each organism and their adaptation to the environment, the way they coexist with each other, and their respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems.

The study of biology at the present time is linked to many other scientific fields, which biologists desperately need when studying their field, and these sciences include physics, chemistry, and medicine, all of which play a fundamental role in explaining the organic functions of living organisms.

The following is the importance of biology in detail:

Biology gives the basic principles of life:

Biology is of great importance in the continuity of life, as it provides a great service in teaching a man how to survive, through some basic things that humans cannot continue to live if they do not learn the basics and master them correctly.

Perhaps one of the most important of these matters is to teach them how to grow in the right way to produce different types of food and to shed light on the quality of food that a person should attach great importance to in cultivating it.
In addition to understanding the temperature of the human body, the normal temperature, and the reasons for its rise, as well as highlighting some daily practices that support the quality of life, such as restful sleep, and focusing on the quality of food more than its quantity.

Biology answers important questions about life:

Biology answers in a convincing scientific way many of the questions that have always occupied the human mind, such as existential questions that revolve around the basis of life, and where did it begin? How did it start? How did humans evolve?

Although there is some opposition among some theories related to these existential questions, to the refusal to accept them because of religious beliefs. However, biology has great importance in explaining some of these existential questions, and hats off to it for the effort that biologists provide in this field.

Biology interprets changes in the human body:

Biology explains why many sudden and unexpected changes occur in the human body, and explains them scientifically, such as the rapid increase in height in children, or when the child experiences changes in physical appearance, or in the patterns of some daily behaviors.

The reason for this is that their bodies have begun to secrete certain types of hormones in preparation for the transition to adulthood, and biology clearly shows what are the reasons behind such changes, which is that the body manufactures natural substances that stimulate such changes. This closes the door to wrong thinking in the interpretation of any of these changes.

Biology also has a scientific branch, pathology, which is concerned with the study of various types of diseases, and how they affect the human or animal body alike. It also helps to find new effective drugs to treat some conditions for which a cure has not yet been discovered.

Biology finds solutions to problems at scale:

Biology offers various solutions to the problems that some people have and to their fears about something that has happened to them or the environment in which they live. Here, biology offers logical solutions that do not harm the environment, but rather preserve it.

For example, when a country suffers from severe food shortages, biology in this case offers some solutions that relate to the use of biological ideologies to improve and develop the production process of some types of food, to prevent the risks of famine.

Also, some human societies may suffer from high levels of pollution, so biology comes to the rescue, to provide some effective and effective solutions to reduce these levels of pollution or eliminate them permanently. In addition, biology is an effective method for creating a healthy, balanced and sustainable environment that includes all living and non-living things.

Biology makes space for scientific studies:

Perhaps the greatest importance that biology presents to humanity is that it gives way and paves the way for many discoveries and research, especially in some scientific fields that to this day still contain many undiscovered aspects, and still constitute a mystery to scientists.

Scientists in this field conduct many experiments, to discover some important facts, and to obtain some logical explanations, so you find them going on exploratory trips to some virgin lands that have not been set foot by humans, to obtain more facts and information.

Biology provides multiple jobs: 

Biology is one of the basic subjects taught at various levels of education, upon which many university majors are built, such as; medicine and chemistry; And some branches of engineering, environmental sciences, nursing, and psychology, whose study provides job opportunities for its students, and the main credit for it is biology.

Also, some non-scientific professions, such as cosmetologists who work in beauty centers, need to understand the basics of biology, because they deal directly with the human body such as hair; skin; and nails.

Therefore, studying everything related to the scientific concepts of life and living organisms is the key that leads the student to success in any branch he chooses to study, and therefore it is a science that includes many and varied scientific branches.

The Importance of Biology According to the Fields of Study

Knowing and understanding the branches of biology allows people to learn more about living organisms, which helps to understand many of the causes of the spread of new diseases, and to find ways to combat them.

The following is a detail of the important branches of biology:

Cellular biology: 

Cellular biology is a branch of biology that is concerned with the study of the basic structure and functions of cells, their characteristics, and their interactions with the environment.

Cellular biology, in turn, includes many sub-sciences, the most prominent of which are:

Cytology: Cytology is the branch concerned with the study of living cells, and the study of their physical and chemical properties, with the aim of identifying how they interact with nature.

Histology: Histology is the branch that deals with the microscopic studies of cellular tissues.

Microbiology: Microbiology is the branch that deals with the study of the behavior of microorganisms, which are not visible to the naked eye, and can only be seen through a microscope.

Palynology: Palynology is the branch that deals with the study of particles that live in water and air, as well as spores and pollen, and it helps to understand how they interact with their surroundings.

Protistology: Protistology is the science that deals with the study of eukaryotic cells or what is known as Protestants, which are cells that do not fall under biological classifications into the animal kingdom, plant, or fungi, as they have physical and chemical properties that are more similar to algae.

Molecular biology: 

Molecular biology is the science that deals with the study of biological processes at the molecular level. This type of biological science is in common with chemistry, especially with regard to genetics, as it mainly focuses on the study and understanding of the interactions that occur between systems of cells of various types.

Evolutionary biology: 

Evolutionary biology focuses on the study of the stages of development of biology, over the ages, based on what is known as biogeography, which is concerned with the study of living organisms and their historical distribution from a geographical point of view.

Marine biology: 

Marine biology is concerned with the study of all living organisms that live in the marine environment of all kinds, and this science includes many sub-sciences such as ichthyology, molluscs, botany, and seaweed science.

Medical Biology: 

Medical biology is concerned with the study of all topics related to diseases and the modifications that take place on them, as well as its interest in studying the human body as a whole, and what the vital functions it performs.


Mycology is concerned with the study of fungi only, by studying each part of it, the characteristics of each type, and researching what interactions they make in the surrounding environment.


Zoology is concerned with the study of animals, their lives, and developments in their behavior, as well as studies the functions of their organs. This science contains many sub-sciences, the most important of which are the following:

  • Entomology.
  • Herpetology.
  • Ichthyology.
  • Mammalogy.
  • Ornithology.
  • Lepidopterology
  • Primatology.
  • Veterinary Science.


Botany is concerned with the study of plants of all kinds and forms, and it is a very broad and large science, concerned with studying everything related to plants in terms of developing classifications for each type, methods of reproduction, and the functions of its organs, and other multiple areas of research.

Environmental Biology: 

Environmental biology is the science that includes all branches of biology that relate to the mechanism by which the elements of the environment interact with each other, and the study of the effect of this interaction.

How Biology is Related to Other Sciences

Biology is a link between other natural sciences, and the following are some examples that illustrate the relationship of biology with other sciences:

Biophysics: The science that uses theories of physics and mathematics to analyze some issues related to biology.

Astrobiology: It is the science that links the sciences of biology and astronomy, and is concerned with the study and evolution of life forms outside the planet.

Biogeography: The science that investigates the distribution of living organisms in the places in which they live.

Biotechnology: It is a field that combines biology and engineering to create products and services using living organisms. Biotechnology has had a major impact on many areas of our life, from medicine to agriculture to environmental science.

Biomathematics: It is the science that deals with the study of topics and aspects of biology, using mathematical techniques and models.

Bioengineering:  The science that uses engineering principles to understand and analyze biological systems, and uses the principles of biology to analyze the principles and systems of engineering science. Biomedical engineering is responsible for developing new innovations in everyday life-changing products like crutches.

Sociobiology: It is the science that studies the role of biology in shaping the social structure of individuals, their culture, and the relationships that link them.

Biochemistry: It explores the chemical processes within living organisms, bridging biology and chemistry. Biochemistry education is important because it delves into the molecular mechanisms that drive cellular functions, metabolism, and genetic expression, unveiling life's complexities and enabling advancements in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology for a better future.

Read Here: The Applications of Biochemistry in Pharmaceutical Industry

Conclusion: Why Biology is Important?

Biology, the study of life and living organisms, is fundamental to understanding the natural world and our place in it. It unveils the complex mechanisms that govern life processes, from cellular functions to ecosystem interactions. 

Biology is important because it helps us understand the living world, including how organisms function, evolve, and interact. It also helps us understand how to protect the environment and improve human health.

If we study biology, we can gain insights into the diversity of life forms, their evolution, and their interconnectedness. This knowledge is crucial for addressing global challenges such as disease, environmental degradation, and food security. 

Biology informs medical advancements, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices, directly impacting our health and well-being. It also fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, essential for scientific inquiry and innovation. 

In essence, biology not only enriches our comprehension of life but also empowers us to make informed decisions that promote a harmonious and sustainable coexistence with the natural world. Its significance resonates through every aspect of our lives.

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