Addiction Recovery: 7 Types of Therapy To Consider

Addiction recovery is a challenging obstacle to overcome. There are a variety of therapies and treatment options for addiction recovery. Consider these seven most effective therapies that are proven to help heal addiction.

Addiction Recovery

7 Types of Therapy Used in Addiction Recovery

Recovering from addiction isn’t easy. It’s a long process that will put you through a lot of ups and downs before you’ve fully kicked your addiction. But there are many ways to get to that successful end. Here are seven types of therapy you might want to consider (or even combine together for the best outcome).

 1. EMDR therapy

Not many people have heard of emdr therapy, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It involves the patient focusing on a traumatic memory and engaging in bilateral stimulation of the eyes that reduces the vividness and the emotions connected to that memory. It works well for those with addictions because there is typically trauma associated with the underlying addiction.

 2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is used to help people uncover whatever their problematic feelings or thoughts are that can cause their unhealthy behaviors. When these behaviors are present, they can hinder the individual’s chances of recovery from addiction. By identifying, the person can make a conscious decision to react to certain circumstances in a different way.

 3. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy, also known as DBT, is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that approaches intense or uncomfortable emotions and uses helpful processes to help people manage their emotions safely. It aims to boost self-esteem and change unhealthy behavior patterns so that each person can remove those triggers in their life.

 4. Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapy focuses on the person’s overall well-being. This includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. It has a place in many kinds of treatment programs since it involves activities like yoga, meditation, and acupuncture, which can help the individual to be more mindful of their thoughts and pay attention to their physical health.

 5. Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback is a form of therapy that teaches people about their body’s involuntary processes. The therapy type involves electronic sensors being placed on the patient’s body to monitor their vitals. After looking at the results, the therapist can recommend what kind of psychological techniques would be best to help the person develop the best coping strategies for their mental health.

 6. Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy helps individuals explore their emotions and experiences so that they uncover their subconscious thoughts connected to these thoughts. This can help them to identify the underlying cause(s) of substance abuse so that they can develop strategies to help meet one’s needs in a healthier way.

 7. Experiential Therapy

Non-traditional treatment methods are utilized in this kind of therapy to help people overcome uncomfortable emotions through the use of self-expression. They re-experience certain events through a new lens so that they can examine them from a different light. None of these non-traditional methods include types of animal therapies and recreational activities like rock climbing.

There is no shortage of therapy types that can help you through each stage of the recovery process. All you have to do is for you to make the choice to get started. For more information as to why kind(s) of therapy might be right for you, it’s important to speak with a treatment provider today.

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